In the gallery of mem'ries there are pictures bright and fair, and I find that dear old Butler is the brightest one that's there. Alma mater, how we love thee, with a love that ne'er shall fade, and we feel we owe a debt to thee that never can be paid.

Saturday, April 26, 2003

Lem728: hi mom!
keparrott728: hi sweetie!
keparrott728: how's everything?

Lem728: how are you?
keparrott728: we're having a beautiful weekend
Lem728: alright, we're getting ready to go see libby's ballet performance
keparrott728: that's fun - are her parents visiting?
Lem728: yep!
keparrott728: are you surviving the last few days of school?
Lem728: i saw her mom, but not her dad yet
Lem728: well
Lem728: i havent done any of the hard stuff yet
Lem728: finals monday, next wednesday and the monday after
keparrott728: really stretched out! Which is the hardest, first, middle or last?
Lem728: middle, calc
Lem728: i am NERVOUS
keparrott728: you've been studying hard for that one!
Lem728: dont ask me about studying yes of coures i am
Lem728: : _p0
Lem728: whoops
Lem728: : P
keparrott728: are you still trying to ride everyday?
Lem728: this is my break day i'm not even going to THINK about it thank you very much
Lem728: when its not freezing cold
Lem728: today was the first day that it was warm, and i dint have a chance
keparrott728: i didn't ride today because i have to run the 5K tomorrow with a team and want my legs to be well rested
keparrott728: today was our first warm one too
keparrott728: michael is coming home on the bus about now
Lem728: really! i thought they got back sunday
Lem728: he'll be exhausted
keparrott728: he hasn't called of course, but i've emailed his friend, Bens, mom and she says they're alive
keparrott728: they start driving today and get back tomorrow
Lem728: hhaah
keparrott728: they missed their first performance because of bad weather, hopefully they got to march once at least
keparrott728: probably the students wouldn't care much, but the medds might
Lem728: hahah
keparrott728: did you know the music program got a grammy this year?
Lem728: yeah! i heard from jon
keparrott728: that was nice since city high has won it a couple of times and thought they had a superior program - west high just hadn't applied before
Lem728: ahh hahah
Lem728: mom - medical ailment time
keparrott728: uh oh
Lem728: those black dots are still there
Lem728: the ones that i can see kind of out of hte corner of my eye
keparrott728: getting worse?
keparrott728: how are you doing for sleep?
Lem728: no but not going away
Lem728: fine
Lem728: fine
Lem728: well
Lem728: they're not there all the tiem
keparrott728: didn't you have an eye check up when you were home?
Lem728: but they come every couple of days
Lem728: yes
Lem728: maybe its sleep
Lem728: who knows
Lem728: also *embarassed* i jumped down some stairs at ResCo thursday and i TOTALLY landed on my ankle
keparrott728: i don't think it's anything serious but maybe i'll give dr veatch a call - tell me again what exactly you see - little flecks, or big, what makes it worse?
keparrott728: ouch
Lem728: i scratched it some, but it didnt start hurting until today
keparrott728: black and blue?
Lem728: and now it hurts REALLY bad and i have a big old bruise
Lem728: yeah weird
keparrott728: probably should have put some ice one but too late now
Lem728: yyyyyep
keparrott728: advil (with food) and maybe a hot pad if you have one
Lem728: little splotches that go away when i look to the corner (eyes)
keparrott728: are the splotches in the corner of your eye?

Lem728: if i knew what made it worse i would stop doing it
Lem728: yep
Lem728: the bottom outside corner of my right eye
keparrott728: only the right?
keparrott728: any mattering or discharge from that eye when you get up inthe morning?

Lem728: noe
Lem728: yes only the right no to the second
keparrott728: ok, i'll call dr veatch and check, but i have a feeling it's stress or eye strain
keparrott728: too much studying i guess!
keparrott728: soon you'll have a nice break
Lem728: alright
Lem728: yeah pfsh thats assuming i live
Lem728: i will be dead to the world on tuesday
keparrott728: peanut says she needs a walk and barney is yelling 'andrea'
Lem728: barrrney
Lem728: barrney
Lem728: hello
keparrott728: hang in there quacko
Lem728: tuesday is the day before calc test
Lem728: i
Lem728: m locking myself up in the study lounge with my book and calculator
keparrott728: hope you can study well, good luck
Lem728: thanks
Lem728: alright, i'd better head off to the ballet
keparrott728: it'll be relief to get it over with
Lem728: libby says its confusing and i'll have ato read the notes first
keparrott728: have fun at the ballet, say hello to libbys folks for us
keparrott728: miss you and see you soon
Lem728: bye mom!
keparrott728: bye sweetie
Lem728: miss you too! yeah i hope so
Lem728: byeeeee


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