In the gallery of mem'ries there are pictures bright and fair, and I find that dear old Butler is the brightest one that's there. Alma mater, how we love thee, with a love that ne'er shall fade, and we feel we owe a debt to thee that never can be paid.

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

Auto response from AParr728: I am idle

AParr728: hi andrea - this is mom
Lem728: hi mom!
AParr728: i thought i heard someone in here!
Lem728: haha
Lem728: dad keeps talking to me and then leaving
Lem728: dirty
AParr728: dirty
Lem728: EX-actly
Lem728: how's everything at home?
AParr728: good - i just got back from a ride
AParr728: it's really windy tho
Lem728: oh yeah? where'd you go?
Lem728: same here
AParr728: just to north liberty, i didn't get off work until after 4
AParr728: how far did you go?
Lem728: ahh i see
AParr728: on the trail?
Lem728: i'm not exactly sure, but i think 30 miles, so a good ride
AParr728: how are the legs?
Lem728: but the thing is, you can go so much farther here, because it is perfectly flat
Lem728: sore, definatly
Lem728: the trail is very nice, almost all of it is paved
AParr728: it's a little discouraging to be winded on a little hill
AParr728: april legs i guess
Lem728: hah yeah
AParr728: were there a lot of people riding?
Lem728: its really windy here, which makes me miss hills
Lem728: in certain sections
AParr728: wind, your favorite
Lem728: for about 5 of the 15 miles of trail i'd say
AParr728: there were a lot of runners and a few riders out this afternoon
Lem728: its like you have ot slow down and weave a bunch
AParr728: weave around other people?
Lem728: there's always these rich moms with fancy hairdoos and HUGE strollers walking in pairs
AParr728: michael was too lazy to ride, but he's studying already
Lem728: yeah
Lem728: haha
AParr728: oh the strollers are a pain
Lem728: yeah, especially when they're next to each othere
Lem728: no 'e'
AParr728: david is still recuperating from his tendonitis
AParr728: dad was making supper, so that was a good thing!
AParr728: how goes your studying? lots of tests?
Lem728: oh, actually, i've been getting a much needed break this last week
AParr728: that's good
Lem728: i have been trying to study one section of calc a day though
AParr728: good for you!
AParr728: probably not much fun, but are you learning well?

Lem728: i think so
Lem728: i decided that i need to change majors toda
Lem728: in class
AParr728: oh?
Lem728: because i keep getting these horrible grades in a few classes, and i figured out why, because i'm just not interested in them, and then i looked at hte classes that they wre, and they were my classes for my major
Lem728: so ther eyou go
AParr728: makes sense
AParr728: any idea what direction you do want to go??
Lem728: but i have no idea what else to do
Lem728: i mean i know what i DONT want to do
AParr728: that's a start
Lem728: math, no
Lem728: i dont want to program for a living
AParr728: you have never loved math
Lem728: not ruling out computers, just not programming
AParr728: do you like any of your classes?

Lem728: band
Lem728: english
Lem728: i dont hate spanish
AParr728: you're not doing any science right now
Lem728: the others are cs parts one and two, and math
Lem728: nope
AParr728: was there any type of science that you like in high school?
AParr728: and can you do computers but not programming at butler?
Lem728: um
Lem728: um
Lem728: to first, not really, to second, only engineering
Lem728: i dont want to build them
AParr728: engineering is a lot of math too
Lem728: too mcuh math
AParr728: how about journalism or communications and computers?

Lem728: what would i do with that though
AParr728: there must be jobs in communication fields
Lem728: but what IS communication
AParr728: i don't know much about it, how about your counselor?
Lem728: um he lives in an office
AParr728: he may have some knowledge
AParr728: how about aunt cindy?
Lem728: um
AParr728: is there a career counseling office on campus?

Lem728: you know i dont know that
AParr728: probably is
Lem728: libby says she misses you
AParr728: tell libby we miss her too, when is she coming again?

Lem728: libby: awwe ... then i dont know
Lem728: she is so busy
AParr728: i know, such is college life
Lem728: maybe next year
Lem728: i guess
AParr728: her family probably misses her too!
Lem728: i'm sure, i'm sure
Lem728: i want a list of majors offered at butler, so i can narrow down
AParr728: maybe you could take up ballet??
Lem728: um, no
Lem728: haha, i think we both know how graceful i am
AParr728: i think their website lists majors
AParr728: graceful on a bike for sure
Lem728: that doesnt coutn for much in the studio, haha
Lem728: i'll look, i have about a week before i meet for scheduling
AParr728: i'm glad you're starting to make a decision about changing majors, you haven't been happy
Lem728: no this was not the right choice
AParr728: you could probably fill a semester with basic requirements without knowing exactly where you're going
Lem728: i like the idea of working with computers, but programming is not it
Lem728: well, either way, staying or going, i have to go to butler next semester
AParr728: find out about career couselors, most colleges have them
Lem728: so i figure i can take core classes first semester, and have pretty much the whole summer to think abou tit
Lem728: *about it
AParr728: you're a die hard butler bulldog?
AParr728: counselors, there, that looks better
Lem728: no, but i signed a rooming contract
AParr728: butler has a lot of majors, probably one is right for you
Lem728: i have many great friends here that i would be devistated to leave, but if it puts my whole future happiness at risk, i mean, its not really a choice
AParr728: good thinking
AParr728: you seem to be able to make friends whereever you go!
Lem728: i like the computers, but i need something with more creativity
Lem728: less math, and this-is-how-it has to be type structure
AParr728: it is worth talking to your counselor about whether there is more flexibility later in the program tho
AParr728: do you know anyone who is a junior or senior?

Lem728: and all these kids are in these classes, htey already know all about programming, like why are you here, and the professors assume we aLL know whats going on, i'm always confused
Lem728: no, no
Lem728: *no and no
Lem728: because the major is for programming
Lem728: who cares if there is flexibility, a programming major will help me get a programming job
Lem728: i only know freshmen
AParr728: i imagine programming can be creative!
AParr728: but there are many other ways to go
Lem728: yeah so can anything
Lem728: i mean you can be creative math major, but ...
AParr728: who wants to be??
Lem728: yeah, and its nto the same kind of creative as say a music or art major
AParr728: well, this is a great time to explore, change your a heck of a lot of other freshmen
Lem728: yeah, i know
Lem728: i just dont want ot have to take chemistry BLAH
AParr728: it is a concern tho that butler is expensive, so you don't want to get into debt that is hard to pay later. so far you haven't borrowed much tho.
Lem728: there is a science where classes offer even LESS Creativity
Lem728: yeah, well, i figure i'll know before too long
AParr728: maybe you need to start over with thinking about whether you want a career that works with people, ideas or things
Lem728: whether i want to stay here or not
AParr728: that's the most basic decision
AParr728: probably not things
Lem728: what does things mean
AParr728: a career counselor could help with ideas and info about job markets
Lem728: i dont understand
AParr728: things - like working with computers, machines, technology, labs...versus a job where you interact with people, patients, customers, teamwork
AParr728: vs 'ideas' where you do research, write philosophy...
Lem728: no philosophy EW
Lem728: but i could write
AParr728: there are career 'tests' that help you sort out your interests and dislikes and suggest possible careers
Lem728: i'm good at that
AParr728: fortunately you have many skills
Lem728: i would like to work for tv or movies, that would be cool
Lem728: but who doesnt
Lem728: more specifically children's programming
Lem728: ie: i want to be a muppeteer
Lem728: ;-)
AParr728: it would be interesting to find out what careers are available in that kind of area tho
Lem728: well thats why iw as thinking animation
Lem728: they go together
AParr728: just ask charlie, socko...
Lem728: haha
Lem728: exactly
AParr728: a natural talent!
AParr728: animation would have to combined with something really practical, otherwise you'd never find a job
Lem728: yeah
Lem728: practical meaning borin
Lem728: g
AParr728: not necessarily - if the practical is impacting the more creative, then it would be interesting
Lem728: yeah
AParr728: michael is suggesting that you go to kirkwood by hardees
Lem728: okay, i'll go to classes with emily rod
AParr728: straight A's!
Lem728: exactly!
Lem728: that'll raise my grades
AParr728: you could also think about time off doing volunteer work, or working at a national park or any number of those kind of young adult jobs
Lem728: or a real money job
Lem728: but i dont want to be behind
AParr728: behind what??
Lem728: i want to get out in four years
Lem728: i want to be done with school
Lem728: i like to learn but not the pressure
AParr728: what's the hurry? i guess if you don't know what you want to do, it's more a waste of time to take classes that you hate
AParr728: the summer will probably sort things out
Lem728: thats what i was thinking
AParr728: if there isn't a career counselor at butler, we'll definitely find one here
Lem728: i'll just take all my required classes first semester
Lem728: i'd rather have one at home so youc ould be there and help me make a good decision
AParr728: i'll look around - the university has them, but probably there are private counselors too - i've heard of people hiring this help before
Lem728: i mean, thats their job, but they dotn really know me, and if im' going to all taht bother, i want to do it right
Lem728: on another topic, did you ever ask for an application to a university job?
AParr728: i think once you knew about more options, you could make a decision. you have some good ideas about what direction you want to go
Lem728: i think so too
AParr728: the university jobs are online - we can check them later this month or anytime
Lem728: but i have to sign up for classes soon, so i have to make a decision about them soon
Lem728: i thought you said you hadt o get something
Lem728: i just want to get working over with
AParr728: i don't think so - i'll start looking at what jobs might be available
Lem728: okay
AParr728: get school over with, get working over with, then what??
Lem728: RELAX
AParr728: teasing - i know the feeling, been there, done that!
AParr728: i went to college for 6 years you know - to get a 4 year degree!
Lem728: senior year of high school was stressful, signing up for collge was stressful, now college is stressful, and college summer is going ot be stressful.. i think life must = stressful
Lem728: yeah
AParr728: that's why we have bikes
Lem728: i guess
Lem728: and tetris
AParr728: and chocolate?
Lem728: no, not a huge fan
AParr728: i need to eat - dad made supper and everyone else is eating
Lem728: okay, bye mom!
Lem728: say hi to them all for me
AParr728: bye sweetie - talk to you soon!
Lem728: keep me updated on the chipmunk situation!
AParr728: bye!


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