hi mom!
how are you?
i'm pretty good but once again pooped from a day at safety town. it was actually pretty nice this morning since it rained last night and was cloudy, but this afternoon was a SCORCHER. booooooo .... i'm slathering on the sunscreen. this week garrett starts summer school, so he can't work at safety town, so i have to drive all the way from columbus to get to the school in the morning, instead of driving from garrett's parents house (a difference of five minute commute and a half hour commute). i have to get up wayyyyy early just to get there on time so its kind of a harsh way to start the day. lucky for me i either knew people who worked there before or have made friends last week so i'm not bored without garrett there. he says his swahili class is going to be okay, except the class is held every day for an hour and fourty five minutes, so i can imagine that will be a little trying. hopefully my e-mail makes sense, i'm pretty tired (can you tell???) anyway today i finished making all the graduation caps for the kids for next friday (safety town has its own graduation ceremony). garrett started the project last week adn it was up to me to finish in my spare time. i had to staple little chinstraps of elastic onto pre-made paper caps so that all 175 wouldnt fall off during the ceremony. it was pretty tedious but it was a chance to be inside in the AC for a while, its nice to have done, and i like to help garrett's mom when i can since she's all stressed out with other things. nothing else major really i guess, today was learning about Stranger Danger with a magician, who wasnt really all that good, all he did was the hankerchief trick (where you take 5 separate hankerchiefs and put them in a hat and they come otu as one) and the coin trick (where you pull it out from little kids' ears) but he DID keep all the 5 year olds entertained for a half hour which was pretty amazing. anyways its 8:42 and almost itme for my bed time! yay! i'm looking forward to that!how is everything at home? did the barbeque go well at grandma's? good biking weather? anyone call the house dying to hire me at a wonderful job? :) :)
miss you a lot!
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