Subject: hi mom!
hi mom!
how are you doing? is your cold better? i must have caught something from you on the phone the other day 'cause i think i have a cold too now. ohhh more salsa i'm sooo excited i have like 1/3 of a jar left. how is grandma doing?
ahh one thing i do miss here at school is croquet, although i bet we could fit the course on our lawn, none of us has the stuff to do it. we have been doing some outdoor-sy stuff recently, i bought a $10 grill and some lawn chairs for our back cement square/patio thing. its awesome, garrett made us hamburgers and hot dogs one night, yesterday he made shish kabobs, and tonight we're making grilled chicken salad. its weird eating real cooked food for dinner let me tell you! then last night libby came home all stressed out from a lonnnnnnnng day at dance so we took her out to ice cream. annnd i definitely havent been riding my bike so i guess i've just about negated ragbrai! oh well thats what the trainer is for is it not!?! i read michael's honor merit final paper thing and it was pretty good, but his ending is really corny, did you read it? i was like come on just go ask like mom or ms dole and have them help you c! oem up with something better. although i guess maybe they're looking for corny? i dunno. i bet that oculd go well as a college essay too.... maybe some time management???
ohh a shirt would be awesome!! small is fine, if it doesnt fit me, i'll give it to libby, or garrett or andrea dell or someone. it would be kind of nice to have a little trophy to display for my slaving summer ;)
classes are going pretty well, just LOTS of reading .... still bleah. on friday we had 2 pop quizzes, i think i told you about that when we were talking on the phone?? i dont remember who i whined about that to or not any more. i got one back, and i got a 4/5 so i guess thats pretty good, the 2 people sitting in my row got i think a 1 and a 2 out of five respectively so i'm pretty confident in my 4. no word yet on the essay test, but i'm pretty confident. anyway, its lunch time and i'm starrrrrrving so i guess i'd better get to grilling some cheese up good!
write back soon, i miss you!
love, andrea
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