In the gallery of mem'ries there are pictures bright and fair, and I find that dear old Butler is the brightest one that's there. Alma mater, how we love thee, with a love that ne'er shall fade, and we feel we owe a debt to thee that never can be paid.

Sunday, March 28, 2004

keparrott728: hi andrea - are you home?

Auto response from andrea nine toes: good .... french .... roll

at work, so tiiiiiiiiired

maybe the crust crumb and aroma of some artisan bread will revive me

orrr not
Lem728: message to my phone
love, andrea bye

andrea nine toes: hi mom!
keparrott728: not at work?
andrea nine toes: nope, JUST got home
keparrott728: how was your weekend?
keparrott728: work and band?
andrea nine toes: yah
andrea nine toes: i was supposed to go to the band retreat friday, but i wasnt done with work until 11 and it was really bad out
andrea nine toes: so i just stayed in .... i had a bad cold anyway
andrea nine toes: i remembered what it was that was really important totell you
keparrott728: are you feeling any better?
andrea nine toes: i dont hav emy inhaler, i needa new one
keparrott728: i thought the purple one would last until palm sunday?
andrea nine toes: i lost it, my only theory is that i accidentally threw it away .... i lost it the morning that i had to get up really really early to take the car in
keparrott728: ok, we'll send one tomorrow
andrea nine toes: i did take the trash out that day and its the last time i remember using it
keparrott728: dad has the day off
andrea nine toes: i got hte pills today
andrea nine toes: ooo good
keparrott728: how is your skin?
andrea nine toes: its okay
andrea nine toes: i was a little broken out but not too bad
keparrott728: if you don't need the pills, don't take them
andrea nine toes: i'd been applying hte creap pretyt liberally
andrea nine toes: *cream
keparrott728: michael goes to the dermatologist tomorrow - his cream and pills aren't working very well
andrea nine toes: hmm
keparrott728: then david has an eye appt, both go to the orthodontist, grandma has skin surgery...there goes my vacation time!
andrea nine toes: wow
keparrott728: we had lots of bowling this weekend, now we're done. michael tooks SATs
keparrott728: it was rainy and yucky here
andrea nine toes: it was BEAUTIFUL this weekend
keparrott728: boo hoo
andrea nine toes: of course i had to work the nicest days but i did get to ride
keparrott728: good -did that pump get your tires up ok?
keparrott728: we have two, and one works better than the other, but i don't know which is which
andrea nine toes: it works okay
andrea nine toes: i miss my big white pump
keparrott728: i couldn't find that
keparrott728: is your cold feeling better?
andrea nine toes: its okay
andrea nine toes: some of it i dont know if its me not having my inhaler
keparrott728: could be
keparrott728: do you have homework to do yet tonight?
keparrott728: michael is supposed to be studying, but is mostly arguing with ben
andrea nine toes: none i have to do
andrea nine toes: some reading that would be nice to get ahead on
keparrott728: michael finally finished reading jane eyre, it about killed him
andrea nine toes: oh man
andrea nine toes: i read thqta book like 928374 times for class and it ws torture
keparrott728: and you're a fast reader
keparrott728: michael isn't
keparrott728: david is out for track and actually enjoying it - i think he might be faster this year
keparrott728: he's got longer legs anyway and says he's faster than a lot of people
andrea nine toes: awesome
keparrott728: i ran 7 miles on friday - i'm trying to get ready to run a 10 k race next month
andrea nine toes: wowie
andrea nine toes: i feel more in shape riding my biek this year
andrea nine toes: the running helped a lot
keparrott728: i could do it now, but not very fast
keparrott728: good, have you still been on the treadmill?
andrea nine toes: yah well thats better than i could do!
andrea nine toes: nope
andrea nine toes: BOTH of them broke
keparrott728: that's bad
andrea nine toes: i'm busy anyway
andrea nine toes: i know
keparrott728: there's a new weight machine at the rec center, but i don't like it
keparrott728: i'm thinking about taking a class for upper body/abdominal strenght from the place where david does tae kwon do
keparrott728: my leg muscles are my only muscles
andrea nine toes: huh
keparrott728: i'm about ready for bed, back to work tomorrow
andrea nine toes: me too
keparrott728: i'm glad we had a minute to visit - i miss you and am looking forward to seeing you soon - your car in the driveway reminds me of you everyday!
keparrott728: good night!
andrea nine toes: i know i'm SO homesick
andrea nine toes: bye mom! see you soon
andrea nine toes: oh yeah
andrea nine toes: i NEED a haircut
andrea nine toes: SO BAD
keparrott728: did you find out when you'll be home on good friday?
andrea nine toes: late
keparrott728: someone else could cut it on saturday i suppose?
andrea nine toes: NO
andrea nine toes: MOM
andrea nine toes: AUGH
keparrott728: pat doesn't work saturday
andrea nine toes: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
andrea nine toes: i've been not getting it cut here 'cause i want pat to do it
andrea nine toes: nooooooooooooooooo
andrea nine toes: its so long i am going to die already
keparrott728: do you have to be back first thing on monday i suppose?
andrea nine toes: yep
keparrott728: maybe just a little trim to tide you over for a couple of weeks until summer break?
andrea nine toes: um by mystery haircut lady?
andrea nine toes: she'll butcher it
andrea nine toes: my precious haaaaaair
keparrott728: i could get a recommendation from someone at work
keparrott728: a half inch trim wouldn't butcher too much - i'll double check with pat tho just in case she's working an odd day
andrea nine toes: okay
keparrott728: ok, bye now!
andrea nine toes: bey mom miss you
keparrott728: miss you too
andrea nine toes: okay bye!


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