In the gallery of mem'ries there are pictures bright and fair, and I find that dear old Butler is the brightest one that's there. Alma mater, how we love thee, with a love that ne'er shall fade, and we feel we owe a debt to thee that never can be paid.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003


AParr728: hello ANDWEA
Lem728: dirrty maan
Lem728: you're dirty
AParr728: barney says ANDREA
Lem728: 'hello quack'
Lem728: 'hello'
AParr728: i asked MOM "what do you think Andrea's doing today.
AParr728: She said - Studying
Lem728: band
Lem728: i did band today
Lem728: mom didnt call me yesterday
AParr728: what did you play
Lem728: i said david, tell mom to call me when she gets back from the movie, and she didnt call!
AParr728: was this basketball?
Lem728: i played everything, at the women's basketball game
Lem728: theee end
AParr728: hi andrea - this is mom
AParr728: of course i didn't get a message from david!
Lem728: hi mom
AParr728: i've been wondering how you're doing -
Lem728: it was IMPORTANT
Lem728: ahhh
AParr728: what??
Lem728: i thought i lost my inhaler
AParr728: that would be bad
AParr728: you found it?

Lem728: and i didnt get to use it forever, and i was ogin to call you to get a new one
Lem728: yeah
Lem728: but .... ahh what if i dindt find it
AParr728: we can get your prescription transferred to you
Lem728: i dont need it now
AParr728: when it runs out you'll need another
Lem728: i'll need one soon, i have enough for about 10 days amybe
Lem728: yeah
AParr728: i guess we could send it
Lem728: but thats a lot of work for me haha
AParr728: i'll just get it refilled here and send it
Lem728: okay
Lem728: goood
AParr728: did you get over your cold?
Lem728: yeah, pretty much
Lem728: i HAVE lost my id card though
AParr728: how is everything going?
Lem728: oh okay, this week was REALLY busy
AParr728: that's bad - how are you eating?

Lem728: fine
Lem728: why does everyone ask me that
Lem728: the doctors office called
AParr728: if you don't have a card, you can't eat right?
Lem728: and they're like your blood sample was fine, and how are you eating?
AParr728: i talked to the nurse who wanted your number
Lem728: i waslike, waht!?!??!
AParr728: that's funny that they asked
Lem728: i have the number on the bottom
Lem728: i just give the guy the number and i eat
Lem728: i can get a new card monday
Lem728: darn it, that will be my third card
AParr728: they wanted your phone number - since you're over 18 they can't tell me anything
Lem728: i know they said that
AParr728: i told them i'd already gotten the results and opened your mail!
Lem728: haha
AParr728: do you have to pay for another id card?

Lem728: i dont know
Lem728: probably
AParr728: did you get your health assignment done?

Lem728: they said last time they'd charge it to my account
Lem728: yeah, and i put it in her mailbod
Lem728: *box
AParr728: i'll check the bill, probably isn't too much
Lem728: and i sent her an email to ask if she got it, but havent heard bac
Lem728: k
AParr728: better follow up!
Lem728: will send another one soon if i dont hear back soon
Lem728: yeah
AParr728: did you keep a copy?
Lem728: this time, yes
AParr728: and have you gotten all your books now?
Lem728: no
Lem728: one is still on order
Lem728: they had some crazy problems with it
AParr728: are you getting behind without it?
Lem728: and its in my spanish class with the insane teacher
Lem728: kind of but i cant do anything about it
AParr728: can you xerox someone elses?
Lem728: most people in the class dont have it
AParr728: you didn't have this crazy teacher last semester, right?
Lem728: nope
Lem728: i'd never seen her before
AParr728: i don't remember you complaining about spanish
AParr728: maybe she's an imposter
Lem728: thats my theory
AParr728: was band fun today? are you playing for a lot of games?

Lem728: yes and yes
Lem728: but very long
Lem728: and it got very boring at the end
Lem728: i play usually once on the weekend and once during hte week
AParr728: that's quite a bit
Lem728: yep
Lem728: its a class you know
AParr728: peanut says hi, she's sticking her nose up here
Lem728: peeeeeanut
Lem728: i miss my puppppy
AParr728: she thinks she wants a walk but its snowing like crazy
Lem728: really? awesome
AParr728: first snow for us
Lem728: finally got some
AParr728: i don't think it's going to amount to much
Lem728: we have the snow, but no hills
AParr728: really, you have snow?
Lem728: oh we've had snow for a while
AParr728: michaels in georgia, staying warmer than us
Lem728: for maybe .... 10 days?
Lem728: ooo coool
AParr728: weird for you to have snow, enough to sled on if you had a hill?
Lem728: yeah, definatly
AParr728: davids dying to go sleding
Lem728: well, we did for most of the week, but just today a lot of it melted
Lem728: its still BITTER COLD
Lem728: yesterday the high was zero i think, with windchill
AParr728: cold here too, finally winter. Is your dorm room warm?
Lem728: libbys dying
AParr728: poor libby
Lem728: yeah, that heater blasts
AParr728: she'll change her mind about wanting snow and winter
AParr728: go back to balmy southern california
Lem728: she was telling her mom, when it was 30 or 40, i thought, this is cold, its inconveninent, but ican deal with it, but now, its zero, and, wow
Lem728: yeah, its suppsoed to be 80 where she lives tomorrow
AParr728: we have a box for you
Lem728: ooo good
AParr728: your sleeper and a couple of other things
AParr728: anything new that you need?
Lem728: not that i can receive it if i dont get an id card....
AParr728: besides an inhaler
AParr728: still haven't had time to look for the prom dress
Lem728: ymm not really
AParr728: when do you need it?
Lem728: hmm thats weird
Lem728: i still dont know for sure
AParr728: i'm busy cleaning and baking today because i'm having a shower for cathy tomorrow
Lem728: oh yeah....exciting!
AParr728: the new drapes came a couple of days ago and i was so excited that they were here in time for the shower
Lem728: do they look nice?
AParr728: but they're the wrong size, have to start over
Lem728: :-\
AParr728: i like the fabric tho, they'll look fine once we get the problem fixed
Lem728: goof
Lem728: *good
AParr728: do you have a lot of studying to do tonight, tomorrow?
Lem728: yep
Lem728: lots
AParr728: ready for us to sign off so you can get busy??
Lem728: its been a heavy load these first few weeks
Lem728: mmmm oh no, a break is fiine
AParr728: when i saw arics mom a couple of weeks ago, she said they might visit butler - heard anything from them?

Lem728: nothing for sure
Lem728: he keeps saying but never for sure
Lem728: hope so!
AParr728: i imagine he's busy too
Lem728: i'm sure
AParr728: i go to denver this week for a conference
Lem728: ooo neat
AParr728: i think i'll try cross country skiing, but not down any mountains!
Lem728: for how long?
AParr728: leave on tuesday, come home on friday
Lem728: wow
Lem728: big trip!
AParr728: friday is the only day we have to play really
Lem728: still, thats more than i've got!
AParr728: brenda and jill are going too, so it'll be fun - except that jill talks in her sleep!
AParr728: yells, even!
Lem728: hahah
AParr728: yeah, wish you had a break too
Lem728: like david
Lem728: soon enough, i'll have a break
AParr728: david is going skiing this week too - junior high ski trip
Lem728: oh yeah! that was sooo fun
AParr728: yeah, your break is early march so it'll be here before you know it
AParr728: he wasn't too sure about going, but figured out that most of the kids don't know how to ski
Lem728: hope so! january is almost over thank goodness
AParr728: i better get back to my baking, and peanut thinks she wants a walk in a blizzard
Lem728: okay
Lem728: have a good evening!
Lem728: say hi to everyone for me!
AParr728: you too - so nice to talk to you - we miss you!
Lem728: bye miss you all!


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