andreaninetoes: dm
andreaninetoes: message me when you get back so i can see your webcam
Alan Parrott: what
andreaninetoes: dm
Alan Parrott: can you see the dirty man?
andreaninetoes has started viewing your webcam.
Alan Parrott: im gonna put it in the bird room
Alan Parrott: when i get a longer usb cord
andreaninetoes: haha i can see you
andreaninetoes: its kind of slow though
Alan Parrott: its stuck
andreaninetoes: yah i think it is just stuck
andreaninetoes: i have a bunch of internet windows open
andreaninetoes: maybe its me
Alan Parrott: no my mouth is stuck open
andreaninetoes: haha
andreaninetoes: i can tell when you're typing
andreaninetoes: too bad i dont have my camera
Alan Parrott: ill get you one if you want it
andreaninetoes: well wouldnt the logitech one do for now?
Alan Parrott: its not good for much if the other person doesnt have one too
Alan Parrott: i dont know.
andreaninetoes: hmm
Alan Parrott: ill get barney
andreaninetoes: does michael have windows XP?
andreaninetoes: they can use webcam on AIM
andreaninetoes: hello!
Alan Parrott: ya but requires windows xp
andreaninetoes: barrr ney
Alan Parrott: i dont have xp
andreaninetoes: dont let him poop on the computer
andreaninetoes: hahaha
Alan Parrott: michael does have xp
andreaninetoes: yah but i guess it doesnt do us much good
Alan Parrott: he started school today
andreaninetoes: i know he called me
andreaninetoes: he was going nuts 'cause he didnt have all his textbooks
Alan Parrott: 2 of his 4 classes are in a building across the alley
Alan Parrott: he has to be outside for 20 or 30 feet
andreaninetoes: thats dirty
Alan Parrott: barneys scared of the camera
andreaninetoes: he needs to accept the winter 2005 no coat challenge
andreaninetoes: he lives by the beach
andreaninetoes: michael needs no coat
Alan Parrott: he wants us to send him more food
Alan Parrott: ill get pee wee
andreaninetoes: okay
andreaninetoes: that michael, always eating stuff
andreaninetoes: peeeeee weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
andreaninetoes: she just wants a biscuit
Alan Parrott: do you get sound too?
andreaninetoes: umm nope
andreaninetoes: i dont think so
andreaninetoes: i have my speakers on
andreaninetoes: my window says 'super mode is off'
andreaninetoes: what is super mode
Alan Parrott: dunno
andreaninetoes: hm
andreaninetoes: weirded out
andreaninetoes: haha
andreaninetoes: Dude!
andreaninetoes: haha
Alan Parrott: ill show you what the camera looks like
andreaninetoes: did you hear tha?
Alan Parrott: yes
andreaninetoes: Whaaadddup?!
andreaninetoes: oh yah
Alan Parrott: shut up
andreaninetoes: hahaedfjaldsjfdsfiajsfi
andreaninetoes: that looks like the one i saw at neo computers
Alan Parrott: Giggles: Hee Hee
andreaninetoes has selected the "Chicken Little" IMVironment.
andreaninetoes: Hello? I know you're there. I can see you!
andreaninetoes: haha
andreaninetoes: i got a frame on my window and now i cant get it off
andreaninetoes has unloaded the IMVironment.
Alan Parrott: me too
andreaninetoes: ohh you can 'select no IMVironment'
andreaninetoes: and then the window is just big
Alan Parrott: barney is hiding behind my head
Alan Parrott: i jazzed up reds world with a couple of features
Alan Parrott: no blog bar at the top
Alan Parrott: photo title
Alan Parrott: sidebar picture of david
Alan Parrott: he didnt like my original post so he deleted it
Alan Parrott: and pit on 3 school papers
andreaninetoes: haha
andreaninetoes: dirty
Alan Parrott: now i sign off so he wont goof around with the blogs
Alan Parrott: i can make him one
Alan Parrott: he can post pictures to it with his phone
Alan Parrott: try turning the volume up
andreaninetoes: volume up
Alan Parrott: mom had to go to the bathroom but she'll be right back
andreaninetoes: i'm reading davids papers
andreaninetoes: i want to get a blog just so i can post comments on the ones you have
andreaninetoes: Das haben wir gleich.
andreaninetoes: hahah
andreaninetoes: whaaaat
andreaninetoes: hi mom!
Alan Parrott: hi andrea
Alan Parrott: you're home so does that mean you quit the job??
andreaninetoes: i get to see everyone in the house!
The version of Yahoo! Messenger that andreaninetoes is using cannot receive calls. Tell this person about the latest version
andreaninetoes: yep i quit
andreaninetoes: she said i still got paid
Alan Parrott: but we can't see you!
Alan Parrott: oh, good
Alan Parrott: was she mad?
andreaninetoes: um no but she tried to wheedle me out of leaving
andreaninetoes: she's like if you want to come back in a couple of years you should put in your two weeks
andreaninetoes: and i'm like i'm a senior i wont be here
Alan Parrott: it's probably hard to find people to do that job
Alan Parrott: why would you come back in a couple of years??
Alan Parrott: even if you weren't a senior?
andreaninetoes: well if i was a freshman?
andreaninetoes: i dunno?
Alan Parrott: i suppose
andreaninetoes: if i was desparate
Alan Parrott: well, that must be a relief
andreaninetoes: probably not even then
Alan Parrott: will you get hours at panera's for now do you think?
andreaninetoes: yeah, i'm going to look for more jobs tomorrow
andreaninetoes: i think i will, well the same monday and wednesday mornings early
Alan Parrott: how are your classes going?
Alan Parrott: interesting? boring? hard work?
andreaninetoes: good, they're pretty interesting
andreaninetoes: i dunno
andreaninetoes: not a lot of homework which is good
andreaninetoes: especially with the two jobs fiasco
Alan Parrott: good
Alan Parrott: well, as fiascos go, it worked out ok
andreaninetoes: i wrote one paper, i got a B+ on it
andreaninetoes: took a test, got an A
Alan Parrott: good!
andreaninetoes: the paper is in the english class where there are six assignments, and you take your top grade from four of htem
andreaninetoes: so i'm not too worried
Alan Parrott: did you have a good weekend in ohio? do anything fun?
Alan Parrott: it was hot here
andreaninetoes: it was chilly there, but not cold
andreaninetoes: we didnt do anything special, football has started
andreaninetoes: so we watched the game and cooked hamburgers on the grill
Alan Parrott: i know, iowa is worrying about ohio this weekend
andreaninetoes: everyone is NUTS about football
Alan Parrott: iowa has not been doing too well
andreaninetoes: if they mess up you can hear people yelling from down the block
Alan Parrott: lost to iowa state which was a real embarassment
andreaninetoes: yeah i saw that!
Alan Parrott: poor travis got a lot of teasing
andreaninetoes: they watch all the pregame shows the whole day before the game, so i see a lot of stats, ugh
Alan Parrott: is garrett a big fan?
andreaninetoes: not as big as his brother and room mate
Alan Parrott: we kind of ignore it here, especially with michael gone
andreaninetoes: yeah, it doesnt seem that important to me
andreaninetoes: but oh well
Alan Parrott: david is only interested in that he has to help with stadium clean up the next morning
andreaninetoes: haha
Alan Parrott: he ran pretty well today, but it was hot and hill in muscatine
Alan Parrott: i think he did about 23 minutes, not his personal best
andreaninetoes: muscatine, yeah by the river it shoudl be hilly
andreaninetoes: did michael call you about his books today?
Alan Parrott: yes, he was stressed out
Alan Parrott: i hope they show up this week, soon
andreaninetoes: yeah
andreaninetoes: well i told him to go to the library
Alan Parrott: i was a little worried this would happen but he saved a lot of money ordering online
andreaninetoes: at least here, they ALWAYS have them on file for you
andreaninetoes: just in case you lose your book, or if you cant afford one, or they dont have it in stock
Alan Parrott: i think he can probably find them somewhere, it just takes a lot of time to figure all these things out
andreaninetoes: yeah
Alan Parrott: it's a problem since they don't register until the day before classes start
andreaninetoes: well thats what i thought
andreaninetoes: he didnt seem to enthusiastic about his classes
andreaninetoes: but i guess he was more worried about his books
Alan Parrott: he pretty much knew what he would be taking and it'll keep him pretty busy
andreaninetoes: yeah thats what it sounds like
Alan Parrott: his choice for an elective was microeconomics, not what i would choose!
andreaninetoes: haha that sounds like death to me!
Alan Parrott: hopefully he'll have good instructors
Alan Parrott: exactly
andreaninetoes: true
andreaninetoes: at least his classes are only across the road
andreaninetoes: or driveway
Alan Parrott: alley
andreaninetoes: right
Alan Parrott: i think he's doing ok so far, no time to be homesick
andreaninetoes: true
andreaninetoes: kathleen says she's going ot visit next weekend
Alan Parrott: really? i hadn't heard that yet
andreaninetoes: i actually talk to her a lot too, she has a boring class with computers
Alan Parrott: hope he can afford the time
Alan Parrott: that's nice
andreaninetoes: so she just IMs me during hte boring parts
Alan Parrott: good for her!
Alan Parrott: is she doing well
andreaninetoes: i know - i think i talk to her more at school than when i see her in person
andreaninetoes: i think so, at least it sounds like it
Alan Parrott: well, time to walk peanut, dad is getting bored
Alan Parrott: and eat supper
andreaninetoes: hahahaha
andreaninetoes: it looks like that crocodile is eating you
Alan Parrott: enjoy your free evening!
Alan Parrott: ha ha
andreaninetoes: can you see my profile picture?
andreaninetoes: its of me on the way home from lake superior last year
Alan Parrott: in the car with the seatbelt?
andreaninetoes: i took it myself
andreaninetoes: yeah
Alan Parrott: looks just like
Alan Parrott: your hair must be really long by now
andreaninetoes: oh i was trying to find one that was animated
Alan Parrott: that one blinked
andreaninetoes: there we go
Alan Parrott: good
andreaninetoes: haha okay well say hi ot peanut for me!
andreaninetoes: i should get started on homework myself
Alan Parrott: ok, talk to you later! - have a good evening! love you and miss you!
andreaninetoes: bye mom!
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