In the gallery of mem'ries there are pictures bright and fair, and I find that dear old Butler is the brightest one that's there. Alma mater, how we love thee, with a love that ne'er shall fade, and we feel we owe a debt to thee that never can be paid.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

andreaninetoes: dm
andreaninetoes: message me when you get back so i can see your webcam
Alan Parrott: what
andreaninetoes: dm
Alan Parrott: can you see the dirty man?
andreaninetoes has started viewing your webcam.

Alan Parrott: im gonna put it in the bird room
Alan Parrott: when i get a longer usb cord
andreaninetoes: haha i can see you
andreaninetoes: its kind of slow though
Alan Parrott: its stuck
andreaninetoes: yah i think it is just stuck
andreaninetoes: i have a bunch of internet windows open
andreaninetoes: maybe its me
Alan Parrott: no my mouth is stuck open
andreaninetoes: haha
andreaninetoes: i can tell when you're typing
andreaninetoes: too bad i dont have my camera
Alan Parrott: ill get you one if you want it
andreaninetoes: well wouldnt the logitech one do for now?
Alan Parrott: its not good for much if the other person doesnt have one too
Alan Parrott: i dont know.
andreaninetoes: hmm
Alan Parrott: ill get barney
andreaninetoes: does michael have windows XP?
andreaninetoes: they can use webcam on AIM
andreaninetoes: hello!
Alan Parrott: ya but requires windows xp
andreaninetoes: barrr ney
Alan Parrott: i dont have xp
andreaninetoes: dont let him poop on the computer
andreaninetoes: hahaha
Alan Parrott: michael does have xp
andreaninetoes: yah but i guess it doesnt do us much good
Alan Parrott: he started school today
andreaninetoes: i know he called me
andreaninetoes: he was going nuts 'cause he didnt have all his textbooks
Alan Parrott: 2 of his 4 classes are in a building across the alley
Alan Parrott: he has to be outside for 20 or 30 feet
andreaninetoes: thats dirty
Alan Parrott: barneys scared of the camera
andreaninetoes: he needs to accept the winter 2005 no coat challenge
andreaninetoes: he lives by the beach
andreaninetoes: michael needs no coat
Alan Parrott: he wants us to send him more food
Alan Parrott: ill get pee wee
andreaninetoes: okay
andreaninetoes: that michael, always eating stuff
andreaninetoes: peeeeee weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
andreaninetoes: she just wants a biscuit
Alan Parrott: do you get sound too?
andreaninetoes: umm nope
andreaninetoes: i dont think so
andreaninetoes: i have my speakers on
andreaninetoes: my window says 'super mode is off'
andreaninetoes: what is super mode
Alan Parrott: dunno
andreaninetoes: hm
andreaninetoes: weirded out
andreaninetoes: haha
andreaninetoes: Dude!
andreaninetoes: haha
Alan Parrott: ill show you what the camera looks like
andreaninetoes: did you hear tha?
Alan Parrott: yes
andreaninetoes: Whaaadddup?!
andreaninetoes: oh yah
Alan Parrott: shut up
andreaninetoes: hahaedfjaldsjfdsfiajsfi
andreaninetoes: that looks like the one i saw at neo computers
Alan Parrott: Giggles: Hee Hee
andreaninetoes has selected the "Chicken Little" IMVironment.

andreaninetoes: Hello? I know you're there. I can see you!
andreaninetoes: haha
andreaninetoes: i got a frame on my window and now i cant get it off
andreaninetoes has unloaded the IMVironment.
Alan Parrott: me too
andreaninetoes: ohh you can 'select no IMVironment'
andreaninetoes: and then the window is just big
Alan Parrott: barney is hiding behind my head
Alan Parrott: i jazzed up reds world with a couple of features
Alan Parrott: no blog bar at the top
Alan Parrott: photo title
Alan Parrott: sidebar picture of david
Alan Parrott: he didnt like my original post so he deleted it
Alan Parrott: and pit on 3 school papers
andreaninetoes: haha
andreaninetoes: dirty
Alan Parrott: now i sign off so he wont goof around with the blogs
Alan Parrott: i can make him one
Alan Parrott: he can post pictures to it with his phone
Alan Parrott: try turning the volume up
andreaninetoes: volume up
Alan Parrott: mom had to go to the bathroom but she'll be right back
andreaninetoes: i'm reading davids papers
andreaninetoes: i want to get a blog just so i can post comments on the ones you have
andreaninetoes: Das haben wir gleich.
andreaninetoes: hahah
andreaninetoes: whaaaat
andreaninetoes: hi mom!
Alan Parrott: hi andrea
Alan Parrott: you're home so does that mean you quit the job??
andreaninetoes: i get to see everyone in the house!
The version of Yahoo! Messenger that andreaninetoes is using cannot receive calls. Tell this person about the latest version

andreaninetoes: yep i quit
andreaninetoes: she said i still got paid
Alan Parrott: but we can't see you!
Alan Parrott: oh, good
Alan Parrott: was she mad?
andreaninetoes: um no but she tried to wheedle me out of leaving
andreaninetoes: she's like if you want to come back in a couple of years you should put in your two weeks
andreaninetoes: and i'm like i'm a senior i wont be here
Alan Parrott: it's probably hard to find people to do that job
Alan Parrott: why would you come back in a couple of years??
Alan Parrott: even if you weren't a senior?
andreaninetoes: well if i was a freshman?
andreaninetoes: i dunno?
Alan Parrott: i suppose
andreaninetoes: if i was desparate
Alan Parrott: well, that must be a relief
andreaninetoes: probably not even then
Alan Parrott: will you get hours at panera's for now do you think?
andreaninetoes: yeah, i'm going to look for more jobs tomorrow
andreaninetoes: i think i will, well the same monday and wednesday mornings early
Alan Parrott: how are your classes going?
Alan Parrott: interesting? boring? hard work?
andreaninetoes: good, they're pretty interesting
andreaninetoes: i dunno
andreaninetoes: not a lot of homework which is good
andreaninetoes: especially with the two jobs fiasco
Alan Parrott: good
Alan Parrott: well, as fiascos go, it worked out ok
andreaninetoes: i wrote one paper, i got a B+ on it
andreaninetoes: took a test, got an A
Alan Parrott: good!
andreaninetoes: the paper is in the english class where there are six assignments, and you take your top grade from four of htem
andreaninetoes: so i'm not too worried
Alan Parrott: did you have a good weekend in ohio? do anything fun?
Alan Parrott: it was hot here
andreaninetoes: it was chilly there, but not cold
andreaninetoes: we didnt do anything special, football has started
andreaninetoes: so we watched the game and cooked hamburgers on the grill
Alan Parrott: i know, iowa is worrying about ohio this weekend
andreaninetoes: everyone is NUTS about football
Alan Parrott: iowa has not been doing too well
andreaninetoes: if they mess up you can hear people yelling from down the block
Alan Parrott: lost to iowa state which was a real embarassment
andreaninetoes: yeah i saw that!
Alan Parrott: poor travis got a lot of teasing
andreaninetoes: they watch all the pregame shows the whole day before the game, so i see a lot of stats, ugh
Alan Parrott: is garrett a big fan?
andreaninetoes: not as big as his brother and room mate
Alan Parrott: we kind of ignore it here, especially with michael gone
andreaninetoes: yeah, it doesnt seem that important to me
andreaninetoes: but oh well
Alan Parrott: david is only interested in that he has to help with stadium clean up the next morning
andreaninetoes: haha
Alan Parrott: he ran pretty well today, but it was hot and hill in muscatine
Alan Parrott: i think he did about 23 minutes, not his personal best
andreaninetoes: muscatine, yeah by the river it shoudl be hilly
andreaninetoes: did michael call you about his books today?
Alan Parrott: yes, he was stressed out
Alan Parrott: i hope they show up this week, soon
andreaninetoes: yeah
andreaninetoes: well i told him to go to the library
Alan Parrott: i was a little worried this would happen but he saved a lot of money ordering online
andreaninetoes: at least here, they ALWAYS have them on file for you
andreaninetoes: just in case you lose your book, or if you cant afford one, or they dont have it in stock
Alan Parrott: i think he can probably find them somewhere, it just takes a lot of time to figure all these things out
andreaninetoes: yeah
Alan Parrott: it's a problem since they don't register until the day before classes start
andreaninetoes: well thats what i thought
andreaninetoes: he didnt seem to enthusiastic about his classes
andreaninetoes: but i guess he was more worried about his books
Alan Parrott: he pretty much knew what he would be taking and it'll keep him pretty busy
andreaninetoes: yeah thats what it sounds like
Alan Parrott: his choice for an elective was microeconomics, not what i would choose!
andreaninetoes: haha that sounds like death to me!
Alan Parrott: hopefully he'll have good instructors
Alan Parrott: exactly
andreaninetoes: true
andreaninetoes: at least his classes are only across the road
andreaninetoes: or driveway
Alan Parrott: alley
andreaninetoes: right
Alan Parrott: i think he's doing ok so far, no time to be homesick
andreaninetoes: true
andreaninetoes: kathleen says she's going ot visit next weekend
Alan Parrott: really? i hadn't heard that yet
andreaninetoes: i actually talk to her a lot too, she has a boring class with computers
Alan Parrott: hope he can afford the time
Alan Parrott: that's nice
andreaninetoes: so she just IMs me during hte boring parts
Alan Parrott: good for her!
Alan Parrott: is she doing well
andreaninetoes: i know - i think i talk to her more at school than when i see her in person
andreaninetoes: i think so, at least it sounds like it
Alan Parrott: well, time to walk peanut, dad is getting bored
Alan Parrott: and eat supper
andreaninetoes: hahahaha
andreaninetoes: it looks like that crocodile is eating you
Alan Parrott: enjoy your free evening!
Alan Parrott: ha ha
andreaninetoes: can you see my profile picture?
andreaninetoes: its of me on the way home from lake superior last year
Alan Parrott: in the car with the seatbelt?
andreaninetoes: i took it myself
andreaninetoes: yeah
Alan Parrott: looks just like
Alan Parrott: your hair must be really long by now
andreaninetoes: oh i was trying to find one that was animated
Alan Parrott: that one blinked
andreaninetoes: there we go
Alan Parrott: good
andreaninetoes: haha okay well say hi ot peanut for me!
andreaninetoes: i should get started on homework myself
Alan Parrott: ok, talk to you later! - have a good evening! love you and miss you!
andreaninetoes: bye mom!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

DM-That red's world sign is awesome!
looks like david's got his future place of employment all lined up!
michael's dorm room looks pretty good -
his monitor fills up that whole desk!
you're dirty-

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

andreaninetoes: hi dm!
andreaninetoes: you're dirty
andreaninetoes: man
andreaninetoes: where'd you go?
andreaninetoes: dlakjfds
AParr728: hi andrea - this is mom
andreaninetoes: hi mom!
AParr728: dad's breathing steam for his headache
andreaninetoes: oh okay
AParr728: how's everything?
andreaninetoes: i was wondering where he went
andreaninetoes: pretty good, just starting to do a little studying for the night
AParr728: i'm starting to get ready for bed!
andreaninetoes: i passed the test for the Butler job! so i OFFICIALLY get the job
AParr728: you must be tired - you had an early day today, right?
andreaninetoes: my first day is monday
AParr728: hooray!
AParr728: what was your test??
andreaninetoes: yeah, i'm tired, but its like the morning wasnt even today, it was so long ago
andreaninetoes: well we had to learn like '8 steps to securing a pledge' and the 5 p's of fundraising and we had to know all 5 of the founding people's names
andreaninetoes: it was pretty hard, some people didnt pass
AParr728: 5 founding people, that's a lot of founders!
andreaninetoes: i know .... geez
AParr728: you're good at memorizing by now i bet
AParr728: so did you tell them anything at panera's today?
andreaninetoes: well i looked at it all over really quick before the test
andreaninetoes: no, i didnt, because i wasnt sure if i had the butler job yet
andreaninetoes: so probably next time.... although the head manager wont find anything out about the internship for another week
AParr728: i was thinking that maybe you should just tell them the truth - you have another job and need to quit, but are still interested in the internship - all they can do is say no
andreaninetoes: yeah, thats true
andreaninetoes: working 2 jobs was okay this week but i think too many weeks of it will be pretty stressful
andreaninetoes: especially when i start getting more homework
AParr728: you don't want to fall behind in school - the jobs aren't that important
andreaninetoes: true
AParr728: altho the money will be nice!
andreaninetoes: the new job is nice because its 5-9 every monday, tuesday and wednesday
andreaninetoes: i always know when i'll be working
AParr728: do you have more intern classes? or when do you talk to the internship person in your area?
AParr728: three days in a row might be tough tho for homework
andreaninetoes: i do have another class, next monday
andreaninetoes: and the all-journalism student class thati think will really be the important one next thursday
AParr728: but having a regular schedule helps you to plan ahead
AParr728: michael is trying to decide on his work study job too
andreaninetoes: yeah, but you can only work in the evening, and you have to have 12 hours
AParr728: 12 hours is about right
andreaninetoes: andthose are my only 3 nights that woudl work
andreaninetoes: yeah at 8.50 an hour i wont complain!
andreaninetoes: well, next month it wil be 8.50 an hour
AParr728: michael is trying to decide whether to do the debate job which might be interesting but more time consuming, or a mindless job where he might be able to study while he's working
AParr728: 8.50 is good money!
andreaninetoes: i wrote both michael and betsy e-mails tonight
andreaninetoes: i know! i'm excited
AParr728: good!
AParr728: michael seems to be doing ok so far, getting to his meetings and finding his way around ok
andreaninetoes: thats good
AParr728: his roommate seems nice
andreaninetoes: has he met any friends yet?
AParr728: i don't know - he does have a peer advisory group that he will hang out with quite a bit this week. Have a beach party this weekend too.
andreaninetoes: i guess the first week you feel pretty much like you dont have any good friends - but then again you only knew these people for a week
AParr728: and gatherings with the people on his dorm floor, so he should get to know people
andreaninetoes: at least you're all in the same boat
andreaninetoes: thats good
AParr728: the dorm is the kind where everyone's door is open and it seemed pretty friendly
andreaninetoes: i'm glad his room mate is not too obnoxious
AParr728: an old building, like your first year
AParr728: i haven't heard what kind of music his roommate plays yet (on his guitar) - he brought 2 guitars!
andreaninetoes: its pretty hard not to find friends in your dorm like that, where they all keep their door open
AParr728: there are some football players on his floor too, big guys!
andreaninetoes: thats a lot of guitars!
andreaninetoes: haha thats kind of a mix of people
andreaninetoes: are they all engineering htough?
AParr728: engineering and football!
andreaninetoes: haha
andreaninetoes: hey who knows
AParr728: no, athletes and engineers together for some reason - just the convenient location i think
andreaninetoes: it was kind of nice how they did it in my dorm freshman year, they just mixed up all the majors
AParr728: the campus is long from north to south so he's close to the engineering building - right across the alley actually so that will be nice
andreaninetoes: a lot of you switch in the end anyway
andreaninetoes: oh yah you always want nearby classes
andreaninetoes: that way you can get in that last quick look over your notes, or that last 15 minutes of sleep
andreaninetoes: oh mom! guess what!
AParr728: what??
andreaninetoes: libby got back the casting for the nutcracker this year
AParr728: yes...
andreaninetoes: and she gets to be 2 things
AParr728: thing 1 and thing 2?
andreaninetoes: a grown-up at the very beginning, at the party where the nutcracker hands out gifts
andreaninetoes: a lot of seniors get that part
andreaninetoes: but her second part, is the Dew Drop Fairyi
andreaninetoes: Fairy
AParr728: wow!!!
andreaninetoes: that's the second biggest part
AParr728: that should be fun!
andreaninetoes: !!!!
AParr728: she must be very talented
AParr728: it would be cool to see her
andreaninetoes: the people for the first part were pretty much a given, because for those ones you have to LOOK the part more than be able to dance well
andreaninetoes: i know! i hope i can go this year
AParr728: do you get to see her much? You're so busy and i suppose she is too
andreaninetoes: i get to see her some, i make sure and go up to her room to say hi when i see she's home, and vice versa
andreaninetoes: we're supposed to have a house meeting about hte rent and things tonight, but she hasn't been back from class yet
andreaninetoes: she should be soon though
AParr728: is the new guy working out ok?
andreaninetoes: i think so
andreaninetoes: i met him, and i really like him
andreaninetoes: i approve
AParr728: evidently you don't see him much tho?
andreaninetoes: no, i havent spent a TON of time with him
andreaninetoes: he actually graduated from ohio state
AParr728: it certainly seems quiet here tonight. tomorrow will be even worse since david is at a track meet all evening
AParr728: ohio state, it's a small world!
andreaninetoes: and he went home to see his family there, and took libby with him, so i saw them both a few weekends ago when i was visiting garrett
andreaninetoes: i know i was wondering what the house would be like
AParr728: i think iowa plays ohio state soon - people are worried since iowa totally bombed their game last weekend against iowa state, ugh
andreaninetoes: you'll have to put the birds in the living room to make some noise :-)
AParr728: libby must get along well with him if she travels with him!
AParr728: i don't know about that!
AParr728: they're noise enough where they are
AParr728: noisy
AParr728: we miss michael, just like we miss you, but we'll adjust over time i'm sure
AParr728: such is life
andreaninetoes: yah it'll be a change thats for sure
AParr728: actually having grandpa be so sick helps me put it in perspective - you two are doing great and that's what counts.
andreaninetoes: has david moved into his room yet?
AParr728: of course! he moved in immediately!
andreaninetoes: hahhaa
AParr728: he needed that big bed
andreaninetoes: did i really need to ask?
andreaninetoes: true, and he really did need his own real room
AParr728: i hope he runs well at cross country tomorrow - he's fired up to run fast
AParr728: it's a little cooler too which helps
andreaninetoes: well he trains all the time
AParr728: i'm trying to decide whether to drive to fort madison or not, it's a long drive
AParr728: but i'd like to see him run
andreaninetoes: its got to help him get the edge one of these days
andreaninetoes: how long is that?
AParr728: i think he needs more confidence which is coming along
andreaninetoes: i think i've been there before for some reason? but maybe i'm just making htat up
AParr728: it's about 60-90 minutes, something like that
andreaninetoes: i know he did awesome on ragbrai
AParr728: we ended ragbrai there a couple of years ago
andreaninetoes: ohhhhhh thats where i remember it from
AParr728: i remember a picture with carly and david so it must have been the first year they rode
AParr728: in front of a ft madison sign
AParr728: i better start heading to bed - i'm getting up early to run - oh, i'm putting your new instant access card in the mail to you tomorrow
AParr728: and just call for the PIN when you get it
AParr728: it's 58 something but i can't remember what the last 2 numbers are
andreaninetoes: yaaaaaay!
andreaninetoes: okay, i will
andreaninetoes: 'night mom!
andreaninetoes: love you!
AParr728: night sweetie - love you too - have a great week!
andreaninetoes: bye bye!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

ha ha - i like barney's feet up in the air. you will note that i only post pictures of andrea to the house of lem - so these images, fine as they may be, do not qualify. i will save them to my personal archives.
i finished cleaning up tc2 for david - while washing the back window i made trhe mistake of leaning on the side of the car - a small rusted out section caved in, allowing more light in the trunk.
michael's only got 3 days left - then its off to school. i told him that as a challenge (since he lives about 50 yards from lake michigan) he should try to go the whole school year wearing shorts and no coat. we'll see if he's up to the challenge. (he lives across the street from the engineering building where he'll take some/most of his classes)
well, thats all the news dirty enough to print.
-Your Dad

Boxing Conures

hey dirty mannnn
how are you doing? still dirty? haha
here are some pictures for house of lem :)
more to come later, hope you like them!

Monday, September 05, 2005

Andrea and Alan