AParr728: hey, you got yore computer workin' yet?
Auto response from andrea nine toes: i have ridden my bicycle across iowa 7 times. lance armstrong has won the tour de france 6 times. therefore i win and lance sucks.
AParr728: how do i turn off the snow shovel?
andrea nine toes: slkfj;sdf
andrea nine toes returned at 5:00:43 PM.
andrea nine toes: yah it works
andrea nine toes: um you put it down??
AParr728: no theres pictures on the left side of the aim screen
andrea nine toes: ohhhandrea nine toes: i got the new version of AIM
AParr728: is it one of your pix
andrea nine toes: and thats my wallpaper for it
andrea nine toes: no, it was supplied by AOL
andrea nine toes: i thought it was kind of funny
AParr728: next thursday (a week from tomorrow) they fix the dirty mans arm
andrea nine toes: ahhhhhhh
andrea nine toes: dirrrrrrrty
AParr728: i rode 1400 miles this year with calcific tendonitis on my right shoulder
andrea nine toes: gross
andrea nine toes: i crashed my bike and cut my knee
andrea nine toes: but i dont think i calcified any tendons
AParr728: calcium buildup on a tendon, making it not want to work right
AParr728: I'm lookin at a month of narcotics, ice cream and TV
andrea nine toes: sweet
andrea nine toes: that'll get rid of your 1400 miles fast
AParr728: they say I could gain a few pounds
AParr728: Do you still have your scrolling marquee sign?
AParr728: I didnt see it when we moved you
andrea nine toes: yess i certainly do
andrea nine toes: it was in one of the boxes
AParr728: oh - is it in your window?
andrea nine toes: nooo it wouldnt show above ground
andrea nine toes: just be scrolling to my window well
andrea nine toes: i havent put it up yet becuase i'im not sure where to
AParr728: mom wants any personal information you may have to share
andrea nine toes: i fell off my bike?
andrea nine toes: oh man
andrea nine toes: guess what
AParr728: plus send a new pic for the blog
andrea nine toes: so today my partner and i were giving hte second 1/2 of a presentation in mass communications class
andrea nine toes: and i'm talking etc
andrea nine toes: and my phone rings
andrea nine toes: on loud setting
andrea nine toes: twice
andrea nine toes: my friend who sits next to me had to turn it off for me
andrea nine toes: and then
andrea nine toes: my partners phone rang
andrea nine toes: twice
andrea nine toes: the ONE time i forgot to turn my phone on silent
andrea nine toes: and that my partner for got to turn hers off too?
andrea nine toes: weird
AParr728: did this affect your performance. You just worked it into the presentation
andrea nine toes: nooo i just kept talking
andrea nine toes: and teh teacher was like i think you need to repeat what you just said it seems this 1/2 of the class is not paying attention
andrea nine toes: so i dont knowif he knew it was mine or no
andrea nine toes: anyway
AParr728: why does the cursor leave the lower part of the screen - I keep typing but nothing happens, since I dont look at the screen when i type
andrea nine toes: i...... dont know?
AParr728: when you type, the cursor goes to the upper screen
andrea nine toes: maybe you clikced outside of hte box?
AParr728: no
andrea nine toes: i dunno
AParr728: mom sez shell talk to you later
AParr728: i hope your classes are going ok
andrea nine toes: okaaaay
andrea nine toes: they are
andrea nine toes: nothing worth saying relaly
andrea nine toes: just ...... learn
AParr728: take tests, graduate, get job
AParr728: pay bills
andrea nine toes: hopefully
AParr728: buy dirty man expensive gifts
andrea nine toes: okay
andrea nine toes: you can ride in mom's convertible
AParr728: some little goons broke up the downspout by the back door - I had to use a lot of rivets to fix it
andrea nine toes: ooops
andrea nine toes: we have little goons in our neighborhood?
andrea nine toes: i'll have to come home and clear them out
AParr728: i thought it was a squirrel, but the metal brackets were bent
andrea nine toes: huh
andrea nine toes: weirded out
andrea nine toes: maybe it wsa a bear
andrea nine toes: or pee wee
andrea nine toes: chasing squirrels
AParr728: theres two toddlers next door
AParr728: maybe 3 yrs old
andrea nine toes: oh prolly them
AParr728: peanuts back on the pills
AParr728: for her wheezing
AParr728: steroid / antihistamine - they seem to help
andrea nine toes: peeeeeeeweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
AParr728: i sent you a new picture of peanut yesterday
AParr728: with mom
andrea nine toes: yah i got it
andrea nine toes: the one of her on the loveseat is still my background
AParr728: its my favorite
AParr728: i also use the cement bulldog
andrea nine toes: the one of her on the loveseat should have a thought bubble saing 'why're you all taking my picture i'm just trying to sleep'
andrea nine toes: hawa hawa hawa
AParr728: time to go - send me a new picture of you for HOL
andrea nine toes: i dont have a new picture for hol
andrea nine toes: if i took one i'd send it
AParr728: OK
AParr728: I go now
andrea nine toes: byeeeee dm
andrea nine toes: take a bath
AParr728: tomorrow
andrea nine toes: haha okay
andrea nine toes: deal
andrea nine toes: byee