In the gallery of mem'ries there are pictures bright and fair, and I find that dear old Butler is the brightest one that's there. Alma mater, how we love thee, with a love that ne'er shall fade, and we feel we owe a debt to thee that never can be paid.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

AParr728: andrea

Auto response from andrea nine toes: time for americas funniest home videos
oh bob saget so hot right now
i have always been attracted to men who make me laugh
about hte bob saget part .... not the laugh part ....right ....
anyway um time for watching people get hit in the groin by footballs

andrea nine toes: dm
andrea nine toes returned at 7:59:01 PM.
andrea nine toes: hi
AParr728: your new cd player
AParr728: did you see the emai;l
AParr728: it has a remote
andrea nine toes: yeah!
andrea nine toes: that was the awesomeest part
andrea nine toes: it old andrea dell
andrea nine toes: GUESS WHAT .... i got a remote
andrea nine toes: she's like to waht
andrea nine toes: my cd player aaaaaaaa
andrea nine toes: the end
andrea nine toes: true story
AParr728: you can put 10 hours of tunes on a cd and leave it in the player, then operate the remote
andrea nine toes: i know sweeet
andrea nine toes: i'm working on changing my cds to mp3s
andrea nine toes: today i put 15 cds on one disc
andrea nine toes: its awesome
AParr728: you must be here friday night so we can have it installed Sat at 10am the day before easter
andrea nine toes: okay
andrea nine toes: did you see that its XM satellite compatible?
andrea nine toes: ooo
AParr728: Unfortunately, when I made the deal with Mom I told her it would be about $150, but the actual final bill was $250
AParr728: that includes a 4 year warranty
andrea nine toes: ooo
andrea nine toes: whoops
andrea nine toes: i cant help pay yet
AParr728: Its in your name, so if something goes wrong, you can have it fixed at Best Buy in Indianapolis
andrea nine toes: but i'll get my next check the day i come home so mayb ethen
andrea nine toes: thats awesome
AParr728: Actually they would replace it, not fix it
andrea nine toes: that would still be awesome
andrea nine toes: it doesnt display text that was kind of bad
andrea nine toes: but the remote makes up for it
AParr728: With this swanky new car, you need to be more aware of the chance that it will be broken into, anf the CD player stolen
andrea nine toes: yeah
AParr728: The display does have several background color options
andrea nine toes: really?
andrea nine toes: it didnt show that in the picture
AParr728: blue, green red etc
andrea nine toes: your picture in the email didnt show up, i had to go to the website and search for it
andrea nine toes: ohhhhhhhhhhhwooooow
andrea nine toes: it looks a lot like my old one
AParr728: I better wait a few days to tell Mom about the bicycle computer I got today
AParr728: $30
andrea nine toes: haha
andrea nine toes: you need that
andrea nine toes: i thought you were saving for a new bike?
AParr728: I decided that Michael's Rock Hopper is OK, so Ill be riding that this summer
andrea nine toes: oh okay
AParr728: It has lots of gears, and is pretty comfortable and smooth, even if its not like your bike or michael's
andrea nine toes: whats the matter with your bike?
AParr728: The relatively narrow slick tires help a lot (80 psi)
andrea nine toes: yah
AParr728: The gears dont work well, and its too old to upgrade, Im also afraid that the frame will buckle under me on a hill, Its too old - like me!
AParr728: Today Grandma sent me a virus in an email
andrea nine toes: haha
andrea nine toes: really?
andrea nine toes: oh grandma
andrea nine toes: tsk
andrea nine toes: i thought your cd player email was a virus 'cause i've been getting a lot with names for the subject
andrea nine toes: like the ones if you opent he attachment you get the virus
andrea nine toes: which holds more information, an mp3 cd or a data cd?
AParr728: It was a bogus letter from "Yahoo" telling her to reenter her personal information. She forwarded the email to me but my email said that there was an attachment that it wouldnt open because it contained a virus
andrea nine toes: or are they the samet hing
andrea nine toes: ahh
AParr728: same amount of megabytes. anmp3 cd IS a data Cd
andrea nine toes: okay
andrea nine toes: 'cause i was reading a review and its like mp3s work good but data cds i cant get to work as well
andrea nine toes: and i was like whaaat
AParr728: You will want to divide up the tracks into folders, otherwise it takes forever to find the mp3 you want
AParr728: then you go through the folder titles to find which one has the track you want
AParr728: When I first made mp3 cds i didnt do that but it was a mistake
andrea nine toes: right
AParr728: you wear out the FORWARD button going through 250 files
AParr728: instead of a dozen folders
andrea nine toes: the one thing said it didnt have word display though
andrea nine toes: so i'll just have to be sure to have it all written down somewhere
AParr728: You can go to Indianapolis Best Buy and look at your model and have the goon show you its featurtes
andrea nine toes: okay
andrea nine toes: awesome
andrea nine toes: dear goon, please give me a cd player. sincerely, andrea
AParr728: with remote
andrea nine toes: ps with remote
andrea nine toes: michael can operate it from the back seat
AParr728: today Peanut spent the day on Moms sleep spot
andrea nine toes: haha
andrea nine toes: peeeewweeeee
andrea nine toes: she's my background again
andrea nine toes: did you sent a box for me today?
andrea nine toes: i need my inhaler
AParr728: half the time Peanuts head was on Moms pillow, and hal of the time Peanuts rear end was on the pillow
AParr728: the box was shipped express mail at 1700 today
AParr728: Picked up by USPS at Hy Vee, that is
andrea nine toes: awesome
andrea nine toes: i need to breathe you know
AParr728: always something
andrea nine toes: i know i know
andrea nine toes: i'm just a needy girl
AParr728: Mom has a nasty sore throat. She came home sick today
andrea nine toes: you should never have got me the remote, now i wont be able to go without
andrea nine toes: relaly? thats bad
andrea nine toes: mom never gets sick enough to leave places
AParr728: I had to make hamburgers and chocolate chp cookies
andrea nine toes: mmmmmmmmmmmmm
andrea nine toes: excellent
AParr728: I had to make a special trip to get one egg because we were out
andrea nine toes: haha
andrea nine toes: you should have made michael do it
AParr728: Michael eats about 5 eggs each day
andrea nine toes: holy cow
andrea nine toes: he's going to get high cholesterol
AParr728: Hes getting into mat shape
andrea nine toes: i like to eat the eggs the cafeteria serves for breakfast
andrea nine toes: hahahahahahahah
andrea nine toes: the only people in better condition than him will be long distance swimmers
AParr728: He'd better hope that Milton goes on Ragbrai
andrea nine toes: who?
andrea nine toes: i didnt think michael was going on ragbrai
AParr728: He's the guy who came in last behind Michael every time when he went out for track
AParr728: Milton was always last and Michael was always next to last
andrea nine toes: oh hahah
andrea nine toes: i dont remember that
AParr728: Some kid was probably glad when Michael and Milton showed up
andrea nine toes: hahah
andrea nine toes: hey its the slow kids
andrea nine toes: that was before he got in mat shape though
andrea nine toes: now, all business
AParr728: Michael says "hey mom are eggs good for you or bad for you?"
AParr728: He didn't know
AParr728: He says that he'll go on the last three days with me
AParr728: we shall see
AParr728: He may have to stay here with KATHLEEN
andrea nine toes: haha
andrea nine toes: EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWw
andrea nine toes: gross
andrea nine toes: whaat
andrea nine toes: better have travis come baby sit
andrea nine toes: sounds like i coudl kick michael's butt
AParr728: When summer gets here, he may want to get into shape, or maybe not
andrea nine toes: so he can be on the 'skins' team sometimes instead just the shirts
AParr728: lol
andrea nine toes: that woudl be awesome
andrea nine toes: if michael was 2 million times bigger than me but i coudl kick his butt again
andrea nine toes: actually he'd probably let me punch him anywya
andrea nine toes: not that i would want ot or anything
AParr728: hi, this is mom
AParr728: glad to hear your punching days are over?
AParr728: that used to be a problem if i remember right!
AParr728: eggs are perfectly nutritious for a young person, dad like to project his diet onto michael
andrea nine toes: hi mom!
andrea nine toes: hahaha
AParr728: they are good protein and nutrients - you don't really have to worry about cholesterol when you're young
andrea nine toes: does that mean michael is going ot eat cookies for breakfast too?
andrea nine toes: : P
AParr728: yeah, that's dad's habit
andrea nine toes: how is your throat?
AParr728: very sore
andrea nine toes: :-(
AParr728: much easier to type than talk - how's your cold?
andrea nine toes: thats true
andrea nine toes: well, i think its gone
andrea nine toes: but its hard to tell
AParr728: wow!
AParr728: your inhaler is on the way
andrea nine toes: i've been coughing from not having my inhaler
andrea nine toes: yaaaaaaay
andrea nine toes: i feel so ..... blah
andrea nine toes: i cant believe i LOST IT
andrea nine toes: uggh
AParr728: that's too bad - maybe we can get an extra one so you won't get stuck like this
AParr728: are you studying hard this week?
AParr728: and still thinking about chicago this weekend?
andrea nine toes: yeah i've got a lot of work to do
andrea nine toes: no, i dont think so
andrea nine toes: i've got a lot of work to do and not very much moeny
andrea nine toes: money
andrea nine toes: andrea dell is going to michigan this weekend
andrea nine toes: so its homework time for andrea!
andrea nine toes: p.
andrea nine toes: it'll be much easier to concentrate this wya
andrea nine toes: way
andrea nine toes: so i hope to get a lot of work done
AParr728: i'm surprised she has time to go home
AParr728: it's probably nice to get the room to yourself once in awhile
AParr728: are you working half time still?
andrea nine toes: well i try to but i havent been
andrea nine toes: what with spring break and weekends away and all
andrea nine toes: i work three days this week .... so maybe this week? i dunno
andrea nine toes: yeah maybe 15 hours
andrea nine toes: not to shabby
AParr728: that's good
AParr728: michael and elliot are going to fire up their lawn care business soon
AParr728: the grass is actually turning green here
AParr728: except that's it cold and sleety today
AParr728: david is going to do his tae kwon do test for green belt tomorrow - he's making good progress
AParr728: if he keeps it up, he'll make black belt by the time he graduates
AParr728: i suppose it's warm there
andrea nine toes: wow!
andrea nine toes: no, it kind of drizzled all day
andrea nine toes: its 45 now
andrea nine toes: which i guess is a lot warmer than it was whne i came back from spring breka!
AParr728: speaking of break, did you watch dr phil today?
AParr728: i saw the back of your head alot
andrea nine toes: yeah .... we were dissappointed with the end
andrea nine toes: teh crowd clapping in the final part wasnt even us!
AParr728: and they interrupted for a news annouoncement here
andrea nine toes: we were mad
AParr728: i noticed that
AParr728: it's a stupid show anyway
andrea nine toes: like we waited an hour for THIS
andrea nine toes: and then we didnt get to find out what happened to the family in crisis
andrea nine toes: we're like we're not watching to find out
AParr728: stay tuned!
andrea nine toes: i know blah
AParr728: who cares
AParr728: i think it's all staged -they were quite articulate for 'non-actors'
andrea nine toes: hmm
andrea nine toes: the girl was sooooooos tuuuuuuuuuupid
andrea nine toes: the youjng girl
andrea nine toes: if tehy're actors .... she's great
andrea nine toes: it ...... hurts
AParr728: dr phil keeps encouraging them to make up stuff
andrea nine toes: "describe it more" it .......... really ......... hurts
AParr728: i feel her pain
andrea nine toes: i know that whole story 'how does it feel to sit in class and know ally our friends dads love them but yours doesnt'
andrea nine toes: andrea dell and i just looked at each other and were like whaaaaat
AParr728: i'm sure she thinks about that in class a lot
andrea nine toes: yeah i know
andrea nine toes: first topic
AParr728: of course i know you think of your mother all the time...
andrea nine toes: hm i wonder which girls dads love them
andrea nine toes: well i dont have a problem mother
andrea nine toes: and my dad doesht feed me pie with tequila at age 15 or whatever
AParr728: i missed that part
andrea nine toes: and you know what hte mom's degree is in>?
andrea nine toes: she's got a masters!
AParr728: no
andrea nine toes: in COUNSELING
AParr728: thats crazy
andrea nine toes: i know
AParr728: she needs a masters in birth control
andrea nine toes: i know
andrea nine toes: thats just insane
andrea nine toes: anyway stupid show
AParr728: now i don't have to watch it anymore! I never watch tv then anyway, but i was home sick
andrea nine toes: yeah
AParr728: guess i should let you study, and i'm ready to hit the hay
andrea nine toes: i'm just working through a novel for english class
AParr728: what novel?
andrea nine toes: okay, hope you feel better tomrrow!
AParr728: anything good?
AParr728: i'm sure i will
andrea nine toes: its called 'disgrace' by j.m. coetzee
andrea nine toes: its okay .... an easier read than some we've had before
andrea nine toes: and i have to know it front and back 'cause i have to present on it
AParr728: i'm sure you'll do great
AParr728: talk to you again soon
AParr728: i miss you!
andrea nine toes: bye mom
AParr728: bye!
andrea nine toes: miss you too! see you soon!

Monday, March 29, 2004

andrea nine toes: hey michael
andrea nine toes: hey
andrea nine toes: hey
andrea nine toes: tell mom i want the pants she found
PAR0TT: the tan pants?
andrea nine toes: yah
andrea nine toes: those ones
andrea nine toes: theyr'e water resistang
andrea nine toes: *Resistant
PAR0TT: we have a prescription to send too
andrea nine toes: YES
andrea nine toes: i neeeeeeeed that too
andrea nine toes: okay brb
andrea nine toes: phones ringing
PAR0TT: i am the dirrty man

Auto response from andrea nine toes: cant talk and type

aaaaaaaaaaaaa phone = scary!!!

as elharlougihrwguaezhyjery8sjblgkxn

PAR0TT: stain resistant
PAR0TT: wrinkle resistant
PAR0TT: they're on David's drum
PAR0TT: next to Barney's cage
PAR0TT: i will mail them tomorrow

AParr728: gg
andrea nine toes: dm
AParr728: did you get the picture of peanut with the big nose?
andrea nine toes: ooh!
andrea nine toes: yes
andrea nine toes: but hold on
andrea nine toes: i downloaded them this morning and forgot to look at them sinec i was late for class
AParr728: i got a CD of Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing, but I've only used it for 19 minutes so far
AParr728: I'm good at a's and s's
andrea nine toes: awwe pee wee
andrea nine toes: hahah
andrea nine toes: asasasasas
AParr728: show boat!
andrea nine toes: dkdkdkdkdkdkdslslslsla;a;a;a;a;aa;
andrea nine toes: like that
andrea nine toes: awwe peee weeeee
AParr728: we saw your Dr Phil show
andrea nine toes: yah?
andrea nine toes: we're on again tomorrow
AParr728: too bad they didnt show much of you
andrea nine toes: this is going to be the 'good' one
andrea nine toes: the last one was sooooooooo booooooring
AParr728: why is it good
andrea nine toes: but in this one he was like 'we're kicking you off the show' and hten the fire broke out
andrea nine toes: so we all want to know what happens
AParr728: they'll show the terror on your faces
andrea nine toes: hahah
andrea nine toes: the screaming
andrea nine toes: pandemonium
andrea nine toes: maybe they'll show dr phil talking to us
AParr728: did he talk to you?
andrea nine toes: yah just a little
andrea nine toes: 'this happens some times, not a big deal dont worry' etc
AParr728: Thats why they call him Dr Phil
andrea nine toes: i guess
AParr728: And they call me the Dirty Man
andrea nine toes: hahaha
andrea nine toes: i'm making my cds into mp3 cds
andrea nine toes: so they'll travel better in my car
andrea nine toes: moneeeey
andrea nine toes: my vast and valuable collection
AParr728: I better write a note so I dont forget to buy the cd player
AParr728: I have to go- They're showing a Puddy episode on Seinfeld
andrea nine toes: oo awesome
andrea nine toes: okay sounds good
andrea nine toes: dont forget
andrea nine toes: that'd be dirty
andrea nine toes: : PO
andrea nine toes is away at 6:49:40 PM.

Sunday, March 28, 2004

keparrott728: hi andrea - are you home?

Auto response from andrea nine toes: good .... french .... roll

at work, so tiiiiiiiiired

maybe the crust crumb and aroma of some artisan bread will revive me

orrr not
Lem728: message to my phone
love, andrea bye

andrea nine toes: hi mom!
keparrott728: not at work?
andrea nine toes: nope, JUST got home
keparrott728: how was your weekend?
keparrott728: work and band?
andrea nine toes: yah
andrea nine toes: i was supposed to go to the band retreat friday, but i wasnt done with work until 11 and it was really bad out
andrea nine toes: so i just stayed in .... i had a bad cold anyway
andrea nine toes: i remembered what it was that was really important totell you
keparrott728: are you feeling any better?
andrea nine toes: i dont hav emy inhaler, i needa new one
keparrott728: i thought the purple one would last until palm sunday?
andrea nine toes: i lost it, my only theory is that i accidentally threw it away .... i lost it the morning that i had to get up really really early to take the car in
keparrott728: ok, we'll send one tomorrow
andrea nine toes: i did take the trash out that day and its the last time i remember using it
keparrott728: dad has the day off
andrea nine toes: i got hte pills today
andrea nine toes: ooo good
keparrott728: how is your skin?
andrea nine toes: its okay
andrea nine toes: i was a little broken out but not too bad
keparrott728: if you don't need the pills, don't take them
andrea nine toes: i'd been applying hte creap pretyt liberally
andrea nine toes: *cream
keparrott728: michael goes to the dermatologist tomorrow - his cream and pills aren't working very well
andrea nine toes: hmm
keparrott728: then david has an eye appt, both go to the orthodontist, grandma has skin surgery...there goes my vacation time!
andrea nine toes: wow
keparrott728: we had lots of bowling this weekend, now we're done. michael tooks SATs
keparrott728: it was rainy and yucky here
andrea nine toes: it was BEAUTIFUL this weekend
keparrott728: boo hoo
andrea nine toes: of course i had to work the nicest days but i did get to ride
keparrott728: good -did that pump get your tires up ok?
keparrott728: we have two, and one works better than the other, but i don't know which is which
andrea nine toes: it works okay
andrea nine toes: i miss my big white pump
keparrott728: i couldn't find that
keparrott728: is your cold feeling better?
andrea nine toes: its okay
andrea nine toes: some of it i dont know if its me not having my inhaler
keparrott728: could be
keparrott728: do you have homework to do yet tonight?
keparrott728: michael is supposed to be studying, but is mostly arguing with ben
andrea nine toes: none i have to do
andrea nine toes: some reading that would be nice to get ahead on
keparrott728: michael finally finished reading jane eyre, it about killed him
andrea nine toes: oh man
andrea nine toes: i read thqta book like 928374 times for class and it ws torture
keparrott728: and you're a fast reader
keparrott728: michael isn't
keparrott728: david is out for track and actually enjoying it - i think he might be faster this year
keparrott728: he's got longer legs anyway and says he's faster than a lot of people
andrea nine toes: awesome
keparrott728: i ran 7 miles on friday - i'm trying to get ready to run a 10 k race next month
andrea nine toes: wowie
andrea nine toes: i feel more in shape riding my biek this year
andrea nine toes: the running helped a lot
keparrott728: i could do it now, but not very fast
keparrott728: good, have you still been on the treadmill?
andrea nine toes: yah well thats better than i could do!
andrea nine toes: nope
andrea nine toes: BOTH of them broke
keparrott728: that's bad
andrea nine toes: i'm busy anyway
andrea nine toes: i know
keparrott728: there's a new weight machine at the rec center, but i don't like it
keparrott728: i'm thinking about taking a class for upper body/abdominal strenght from the place where david does tae kwon do
keparrott728: my leg muscles are my only muscles
andrea nine toes: huh
keparrott728: i'm about ready for bed, back to work tomorrow
andrea nine toes: me too
keparrott728: i'm glad we had a minute to visit - i miss you and am looking forward to seeing you soon - your car in the driveway reminds me of you everyday!
keparrott728: good night!
andrea nine toes: i know i'm SO homesick
andrea nine toes: bye mom! see you soon
andrea nine toes: oh yeah
andrea nine toes: i NEED a haircut
andrea nine toes: SO BAD
keparrott728: did you find out when you'll be home on good friday?
andrea nine toes: late
keparrott728: someone else could cut it on saturday i suppose?
andrea nine toes: NO
andrea nine toes: MOM
andrea nine toes: AUGH
keparrott728: pat doesn't work saturday
andrea nine toes: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
andrea nine toes: i've been not getting it cut here 'cause i want pat to do it
andrea nine toes: nooooooooooooooooo
andrea nine toes: its so long i am going to die already
keparrott728: do you have to be back first thing on monday i suppose?
andrea nine toes: yep
keparrott728: maybe just a little trim to tide you over for a couple of weeks until summer break?
andrea nine toes: um by mystery haircut lady?
andrea nine toes: she'll butcher it
andrea nine toes: my precious haaaaaair
keparrott728: i could get a recommendation from someone at work
keparrott728: a half inch trim wouldn't butcher too much - i'll double check with pat tho just in case she's working an odd day
andrea nine toes: okay
keparrott728: ok, bye now!
andrea nine toes: bey mom miss you
keparrott728: miss you too
andrea nine toes: okay bye!

Sunday, March 14, 2004

AndreaNineToes: what
AndreaNineToes returned at 4:43:17 PM.
AParr728: or
AndreaNineToes: no
AndreaNineToes: ugly
AndreaNineToes: the second one is okay, isnt that what i have now?
AParr728: not on the Camr
AParr728: y
AParr728: it has a plain wheel
AndreaNineToes: i meant my car
AParr728: o yah
AndreaNineToes: : P
AParr728: i looked in the camry trunk and there was onbe tw two inches of dirty water standing in the spare tire well
AndreaNineToes: eww
AParr728: i let out the water a nd dried it up
AndreaNineToes: did you fix it?
AndreaNineToes: whew
AndreaNineToes: gross
AParr728: dont know how the water got in or how lkong ago
AParr728: i may ride through a car wash in the trunk to check it out
AndreaNineToes: sounds good
AndreaNineToes: when do i get my ipod ;-)
AParr728: i was kidding, kind of
AParr728: your t bone is worth only 600
AParr728: we need a buyer
AndreaNineToes: what
AndreaNineToes: its so worth more
AndreaNineToes: fine
AndreaNineToes: okay
AParr728: i have preprared a sign, it hasnt worked yet
AndreaNineToes: anticipate a sell and buy ipod now
AParr728: we only paid 900 for the horn
AndreaNineToes: oh, i didnt know that
AndreaNineToes: well fine
AndreaNineToes: its in near mint condition
AndreaNineToes: except the case
AParr728: youll probably get it in april whenb you come here
AndreaNineToes: well you'd better get me the tape/cd player converter or i'll be sad
AndreaNineToes: because i definitely dont have any tapes here
AParr728: i have already completed the study which will net me 200 in cool cash
AndreaNineToes: i cant do the study until i get back in may
AParr728: we are now leaving for farm
AndreaNineToes: okay
AParr728: car is started
AndreaNineToes: sounds god
AndreaNineToes: *good
AParr728: i have to go
AndreaNineToes: bye bye
AParr728: i hope you enjoyed your fabulous vacatioib
AndreaNineToes: oh i did
AParr728: you should have ginbe to price is right
AndreaNineToes: yah well
AParr728: 'we need to make a cd of your aoppearandce on dr phil
AndreaNineToes: i know
AParr728: i go now
AndreaNineToes: the set got on fire
AndreaNineToes: okay
AndreaNineToes: bye bye

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

AParr728: the car

Auto response from AndreaNineToes: AParr728, will you be my study buddy?

AParr728: only two rear defogger wires work (they are near the middle of the window)
AParr728: the center junk box lid might get in your way. Its a good place to rest your right elbow
AndreaNineToes returned at 8:52:28 PM.
AndreaNineToes: hi dad
AParr728: it is a little rumbly (rough) if in gear when idleing, but you may not notice this as a problem
AParr728: the valve stems are kind of short so its not too convenient to put air in the tires
AndreaNineToes: hm
AndreaNineToes: okay
AParr728: Harney says its in good shape
AndreaNineToes: how's the stereo?
AndreaNineToes: if you dont buy me an ipod, will you remember to put the tape/cd player converter in teh glove compartmetn for me?
AParr728: works ok but the antenna wire might make the radio a little scratchy. I'll try something that may help this
AndreaNineToes: maybe 'cause you bent it :P
AParr728: he didnt re plaCE the timing belt, said to wait for 120,000 miles - you have 20,000 to go
AndreaNineToes: okay
AParr728: if the car goes dead, that's why - pull over and tow away - but Harney said that the timing belt is unlikely to go bad on a Camry
AParr728: he charged up the AC
AndreaNineToes: okay awesome
AParr728: everythings in good shape - you will have to look at the oil level and tire pressure once in a while
AParr728: its like a Grandma car - but a pretty good one
AParr728: cruise control
AParr728: power locks and doors
AndreaNineToes: awesome
AParr728: AC
AndreaNineToes: i've never had cruise control before
AndreaNineToes: i know yout old me
AndreaNineToes: and then sent me pictures
AParr728: intermittent wipers
AParr728: did you see the picture show
AndreaNineToes: yah
AndreaNineToes: like 3 weeks ago
AndreaNineToes: oaky maybe one week ago
AParr728: there's a mystery switch by the hood release
AndreaNineToes: hmmm
AParr728: it may be aftermarket
AndreaNineToes: did you look in the drivers manual?
AParr728: we don't know what its for
AParr728: i had ot buy a manual on ebay
AndreaNineToes: did you try it?
AndreaNineToes: woah crazy
AParr728: ya - but i didnt see anything happening
AndreaNineToes: hmmm
AndreaNineToes: weird
AParr728: put a bulb in the dome light - the plastic cover is missing
AndreaNineToes: maybe it was like the lights or something
AParr728: it would cost $30
AndreaNineToes: so you couldnt see from the inside
AndreaNineToes: okay
AParr728: it seems like a big car - you will get used to it
AParr728: but dont spend time dinking with the radio or you'll be oiff the road
AndreaNineToes: okay
AParr728: like I almost did today
AndreaNineToes: there is only one radio station here anyway
AParr728: the car looks very clean
AParr728: inside the trunk I found the jack - the pieces were piled under the mat - and they were pretty rusty
AndreaNineToes: okay
AndreaNineToes: hopefully i wont need it :-)
AParr728: The drivers seat belt doesnt retract all the way very well - I think the original owner was a fat guy who blew out the spring
AndreaNineToes: haha
AndreaNineToes: okay
AParr728: I'll spray some wd40 on the jack and put it in a bag of some sort
AndreaNineToes: okay
AParr728: oit does have a ful size spare =- no donut
AndreaNineToes: i want my car now
AParr728: its agood 'un
AParr728: I'd drive it
AndreaNineToes: me tooo
AndreaNineToes: i'm taking all the stuff out of mine after spring break
AParr728: I may get a used one like this when mine wears out
AndreaNineToes: woah
AndreaNineToes: not a TC(orolla)
AndreaNineToes: crazy
AParr728: we'll put the rack on it here when you come for easater
AndreaNineToes: thats what mom said
AParr728: don't blow your cash on an ipod just yet -
AndreaNineToes: i dont have cash for an ipod
AParr728: we may sell the bone
AndreaNineToes: i'm going to california
AndreaNineToes: i told mom to
AParr728: I'll keep the change
AndreaNineToes: i'm giving her my old trombone to take home 'cause i'm done with band now
AParr728: are you studying for a test now?
AndreaNineToes: umm kind of
AndreaNineToes: i've got one on thursday and one on friday
AndreaNineToes: and i work tomorrow
AndreaNineToes: so i'm just sort of catching up on homework
AParr728: better study - no chat - you can read it later on THE HOUSE OF LEM
AndreaNineToes: i cant read it if i dont say anything :P
AParr728: I go now
AndreaNineToes: okay
AndreaNineToes: bye bye
AndreaNineToes: you're dirty