In the gallery of mem'ries there are pictures bright and fair, and I find that dear old Butler is the brightest one that's there. Alma mater, how we love thee, with a love that ne'er shall fade, and we feel we owe a debt to thee that never can be paid.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003


AParr728: how did your week turn out?

Auto response from Lem728: out enjoying my last day of being 18

Lem728: hii
AParr728: mom said you were signed up for the wrong bank
AParr728: what about marching band
AParr728: and textbooks
Lem728: i am in fact signed up for the wrong bank
Lem728: and because i cant deposit checks, i now have $4.50 in my account
Lem728: marching band is hot, but otherwise okay
Lem728: textbooks cost $530 total, i have them all now, but mom still owes me $30 from the spanish book i had to return
Lem728: (They credited it to her visa)
Lem728: the end
AParr728: can you open an account for the correct bank at the butler campus, or do you have to drive somewhere
Lem728: i dont know
Lem728: i cant do anything 'till tuesday, earliest
AParr728: i hope that computer is working ok. i guess i would be interested if some program didnt work right
AParr728: even though i cant go there to look at it
Lem728: it is working just fine
Lem728: except i have no file downloader!
Lem728: i want free music!
AParr728: i sent you a music file
AParr728: awesome, wasnt it
Lem728: i want ALL the music files
AParr728: no charge
Lem728: i havent had a chance to hear it
AParr728: try dalnet
Lem728: i downloaded it at bedtime, and i just got back from band, which started early this morning
Lem728: which one is that
Lem728: how do i get it
AParr728: its the only one i use, but its slightly complicated - doesnt work the same way as napster
Lem728: oh
Lem728: i dont like the one you use
AParr728: i cant type and look at the screen at the same time
Lem728: hahah
Lem728: dirty
AParr728: mom will talk to you online later, she says
Lem728: i can type without looking at the screen OR the keyboard
Lem728: okay
Lem728: good deal
Lem728: i can call later, if thats better
Lem728: free weekend minutes, you know
AParr728: did you find your id - so you can eat
Lem728: sure did
Lem728: i sent mom a letter abou tit
Lem728: it was under hte bunk bed
AParr728: i havent seen mom - ive been at work and she and the boys went to chicago to see the cubs. theyre back today
Lem728: oh yes
Lem728: i've been marching all weekend
Lem728: its so hot and disgusting
AParr728: does butler even have a football team? where do they play? theres no field there
Lem728: there is a field
Lem728: there is a basketball dome, hinkle, and behind it is a stadium
AParr728: you have to hinkle behind the stadium?
AParr728: bwaa ha haa
Lem728: : P
Lem728: you're dirty
Lem728: man
Lem728: gtg, shower time
AParr728: buh bye


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