In the gallery of mem'ries there are pictures bright and fair, and I find that dear old Butler is the brightest one that's there. Alma mater, how we love thee, with a love that ne'er shall fade, and we feel we owe a debt to thee that never can be paid.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

hi mom and dad!
how are you??? it seems like i havent talked to you in a million years. i guess i've been busy but dang i look back and i can't seem to think doing WHAT.... maggie from high school was here visiting last monday through thursday and that was really fun, we didn't do a lot, but we did go out to eat and for ice cream and to go see a concert of Against Me, a band she really likes. it was fun just to get to visit with her, and we straightened out some of the things about living arrangements next year. we found a house!!! YAY!!! i'll be living with maggie and amber and laura... amber and laura went to grade school with maggie, and i've known them for quite some time. laura's going to med school, and amber is going to have some sort of full time job, so it'll be nice and peaceful in my house when i'm trying to study (hopefully :) ) the house is on......... shady oaks maybe? shady something? i forget, i'll let you know. its the one on the street behind the kum and go on mormon trek, kinda behind that retirement home. its a duplex with 4 bedrooms and a porch, and its on the end of a row of several duplexy apartment things so we get an extra big yard, which i know heli will like. also, apparently, laura has already volunteered to take the smallest room.... YAY oh yes and rent is $247.92 a month, so waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than i'm looking at now. anyway, thursday maggie left and i was EXHAUSTED.... i wasnt sure why but by friday i had almost completely lost my voice. i still cant talk very well, i have to shout to say 'thank you' in the drive thru. by now i definitely have a cold to go with the voice loss, and i'm hoping it'll go away, but if its been a couple of days and i STILL cant talk, i think i'd better go to the doctor. oh yah and htat is pretty much why i havent called, because i can talk but you probably couldnt understand me and it kinda hurts. BLEAHoh yes and at work we are very very very short on tellers. last week two of our best tellers were on vacation, one still is this week, and our new 'relief' teller is out all week due to doctors orders (i dunno what she's sick with) sooooooo anyway long story short, there are only two tellers experienced enough to work in the fast paced drive thru, nicole and myself. its not too bad, nicole is hilarious and one of my best friends here but when she's gone its kind of lonely since the drive thru is cut off from the rest of the bank. also, since i've lost my voice its really super inconvenient... its hard to say 'i'm sorry i cant cash your check because there arent sufficient funds in the account' over a microphone when all you can do is whisper also it means i never have a regular 8-5 day, i always have to come in way early or leave late. although that really is fine with me, since that way i miss most of the heavy traffic. speaking of, i have to leave in an hour and i havent done anything in the way of getting ready.... i'd better get going.oh yah ummm definitely last monday i forgot about daylight savings time.... i was in the shower, got out and checked my phone to see how i was doing on time, and it was seven o clock AAAAAAAAAAA and i had to be at work by 730 to open the bank AAAAAAA!!! thankfully my boss was understanding and wasnt mad, and i was only a little but late, but it definitely was a shock! i dunno how i forgot.... oh well ANYWAY focus! time to get ready!how is everyone at home? heard from michael lately? how are cathy and david? has it been warm enough to ride (like 50 or 60, not dad's 'warm enough to ride' aka 30)? it has been here but i've been feeling too blah to go out..... soon!!!miss you a ton!loveandrea!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

School of Journalism and Mass Communication
100 Adler Journalism Building,
Room E305
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004
Fax 319-335-3502

March 8, 2007

Dear Andrea:
On behalf of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, I am pleased to offer you a quarter-time appointment as a Teaching Assistant. The term of the appointment is for academic year 2007-2008 beginning August 22,2007. For the academic year 2007-2008, this appointment carries a stipend of $8139 and a scholarship of up to $3924 based upon full-time enrollment. You are responsible for the remainder of your tuition and all of your fees. Tuition and fees for full-time graduate students in the Graduate College - registered for 9 credit hours or more -- for the 2007­2008 academic year are set at $7,158.
On the following page, you will find the specific terms of this offer, including detailed information about the tuition scholarship. In addition, you will be expected to follow the other policies of the University, as related to your status as a student and an employee. Please let Phyllis R., our administrative secretary know as soon as possible, but no later than April 15, whether you accept this offer. If you do accept, I ask that you sign and return one copy of this letter and attachment. In the meantime, if you have questions regarding this appointment and/or included benefits, please contact Julie A., director of graduate studies.

Pam C.
Professor and Director