In the gallery of mem'ries there are pictures bright and fair, and I find that dear old Butler is the brightest one that's there. Alma mater, how we love thee, with a love that ne'er shall fade, and we feel we owe a debt to thee that never can be paid.

Saturday, December 13, 2003

AndreaNineToes: yah well
AndreaNineToes: it runs in the family
AParr728: We saw Michael in DM today at Dowling Debate Tournament
AParr728: I didnt recognize him from the back with his brown hair
AndreaNineToes: weeeeeeird
AndreaNineToes: it hasnt grown out yet?
AParr728: no
AndreaNineToes: crazy
AParr728: He missed bowling
AndreaNineToes: tsk
AndreaNineToes: do they have thier posters yet?
AndreaNineToes: i want a bowling poster
AndreaNineToes: signed
AParr728: Today David's team bowled against Michael's team
AndreaNineToes: haha who won?
AParr728: David was the only bowler who showed up for his team and David beat Travis Kam and Ryan two of three games. Almost won all three
AParr728: Its that handicap thing
AParr728: The first game Travis went nuts
AParr728: 220
AParr728: Mom wants to know if you have any work hours scheduled at stuff
AParr728: she wants to schredule an orthodontist appt
AndreaNineToes: no i dont yet
AndreaNineToes: well mayb ei do
AndreaNineToes: but i havent caleld
AndreaNineToes: called
AParr728: culled
AParr728: That's a journalism word
AParr728: "Juicy details of Andrea's life culled from Blog postings"
AParr728: Parrott Clan Pans Dirty Man's Plans
AParr728: Cops Have Nowhere To Go
AParr728: I go now
AndreaNineToes: haha
AndreaNineToes: hicks from sticks nix pope tix
AndreaNineToes: bye dm

AParr728: news
AParr728: any?
AndreaNineToes: hi dad
AParr728: its me
AndreaNineToes: there's no time for news, gotta study
AParr728: the dirty man
AndreaNineToes: i know
AndreaNineToes: i could tell by how dirty it was
AndreaNineToes: and how slow the messages got typed : P
AndreaNineToes: : P
AndreaNineToes: there we go
AParr728: i got my beta brite
AParr728: mom sez i have to wait for xmas to use it
AndreaNineToes: wazzat
AParr728: beta brite scrolling message sign with wireless remote, computer connection and special effectes
AParr728: can program from remote or via computer keyboard
AParr728: got on ebay
AndreaNineToes: ooo
AParr728: was at super low price until 10 seconds left in auction, then some guy bid the price up 45 dollars, but i still took home the bacon
AndreaNineToes: haha
AndreaNineToes: sweet
AndreaNineToes: i got the blues brothers DVD
AndreaNineToes: to make myself feel better during finals
AndreaNineToes: its awesome
AParr728: it looks like the signs that they use at lottery machines
AndreaNineToes: thats awesome
AndreaNineToes: did you download any sports scores yet?
AndreaNineToes: booo
AParr728: do your speakers work?
AndreaNineToes: i've been studying
AndreaNineToes: i havent had time to mess with speakers for hours
AndreaNineToes: i have time to try tomorrow
AndreaNineToes: maybe
AParr728: you would use them when watching the movie
AndreaNineToes: the movie is supplement to studying
AndreaNineToes: i dont want it lud
AndreaNineToes: *loud
AParr728: i see, the movie enhances the studying experience
AndreaNineToes: right, exactly
AndreaNineToes: i see you know the score
AParr728: Mom's making chicken soup. Grandma Parrott has a bad case of the flu, and we're taking her some tomorrow
AndreaNineToes: oh no!
AndreaNineToes: thats bad
AndreaNineToes: i had the flu two days ago
AndreaNineToes: booo
AParr728: send her a get well email
AndreaNineToes: oh thats a good idea!
AParr728: maybe with a card on it
AndreaNineToes: right
AParr728: On a different subject, you don't mind about BLOGGER do you? With millions of people all over the world reading your private emails. Mom suggested that you may not appreciate that.
AndreaNineToes: no i dont care
AParr728: I think you have to consider the needs of your fans, though
AndreaNineToes: thats right
AndreaNineToes: i dont want to dissappoint my adoring public ;-)
AParr728: So far I think only one person other than me has ever seen it
AndreaNineToes: lol
AndreaNineToes: fine
AndreaNineToes: sounds good
AParr728: Some boob who made disparaging remarks about "House Of Lem" on his blog
AndreaNineToes: booo
AndreaNineToes: obviously an idiot
AParr728: A lowbrow type, no doubt
AndreaNineToes: probably a rube
AndreaNineToes: holds his flashlight wrong
AParr728: Mom says I have to stop buying stuff on Ebay
AndreaNineToes: hahah
AndreaNineToes: buy ME stuff on ebal
AParr728: I've been buying ebay stuff at an alarming rate
AndreaNineToes: *ebay
AndreaNineToes: yah?
AndreaNineToes: thats dirty
AndreaNineToes: way to bid
AParr728: about a dozen things in the last few weeks
AParr728: I'm a savvy shopper
AndreaNineToes: wowie
AndreaNineToes: well its that kind of season
AParr728: Junk for everyone!
AParr728: Mint condition, NIB junk
AndreaNineToes: haha
AParr728: sealed, stone mint
AndreaNineToes: dirty
AParr728: you better study
AParr728: read about it in House Of Lem
AndreaNineToes: haha okay
AndreaNineToes: leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee m
AParr728: Mom will send you her questions later
AndreaNineToes: i want them now
AParr728: 1. How are you feeling?
AndreaNineToes: much better :-)
AParr728: 2. Cant remember question number two
AndreaNineToes: lots of medicine
AndreaNineToes: you're dirty
AParr728: pills aren't the answer
AndreaNineToes: my last two finals are on monday
AndreaNineToes: i come home on tuesday, hopefully
AndreaNineToes: if i dont have to work
AParr728: if you work, bring home a bag of cinnamon bagels
AndreaNineToes: okay
AndreaNineToes: i could stop on my way out of town
AndreaNineToes: we dont usually have them left over at the end of the night htough
AndreaNineToes: too popular
AParr728: Hi, I'm Andrea, May I have some bagels, please?
AndreaNineToes: exactly
AndreaNineToes: i'd get them too : P
AParr728: d:
AndreaNineToes: lkjt,g oihodbbnafrwusf z
AParr728: that's what I always say

Monday, December 08, 2003

Subject: hi mom!

how're you doing? i'm good, i just got back a sociology assignment, 25/25 on my
paper yaay .... although to be honest sociology papers ARENT the hardest thing
in the world, but hey an A is an A. i had a good weekend, the ceremony went
well except i forgot my pin which i'm supposed to give to my little brother, so
i had to borrow somebody else's. its just symbolism anyway so its all fine,
i'll give him my real one tonight at the chapter meeting.
what's david's club called? i havent seen him online lately, he must be busy
with that!
what was the play this year? and how was it? i remember everyone not liking
last years'.
yes pleeeeeeease wait for me to pick out the christmas tree. i have my dinosaur
finals on tuesday and thursday of this week and sociology and art history a week
from today. my speech class doesnt have a final, i just have to go to this
thing called Speech Night and i'll be good to go. i think i'll get a B in that
class, so yay. i'm not sure what i'm getting in my other classes, but i've been
studying like a madwoman, so hopefully if they're not As they will be after
finals. i worked on friday, during the day actually, and it was kind of nice
for a change, although it was realllly boring after a while 'cause there werent
any little closing-type chores like usual. which i guess was to be expected,
seeing as it was a day shift. anyway, i was supposed to work sunday, but they
scheduled too many people, and since i got there first out of my fellow
shift-employees and i had a lot of studying to do, i got to choose to work or go
home, and yah i chose to go home
i studied for like 7 hours though so i feel more confident about tomorrow's
no, lee and drew aren't coming, its a long drive, and i'd have gone home like 2
days later anyway, not like they're going to die not seeing me that little time.
anyway so i'm hoping to drive home on tuesday during the morning/afternoon,
depending on when i get up. i figure, my finals are done so early, its like
bonus free time, and i dont need to rush home the same evening, i still have bad
memories about those huuuuge computer science finals that are sooo draining and
then driving 6 hours kind of like a zombie.
i got your package saturday and had eaten all the puppy chow by sunday :)
anyway, off to lunch, i'm starving
so excited to come home in a week (and a day!)

skate straight!


Thursday, December 04, 2003

AndreaNineToes: yes?
keparrott728: did you get the list of jokes
keparrott728: this is yore paw speakin
AndreaNineToes: ueaj
AndreaNineToes: i mean yeah
AndreaNineToes: one of them i didnt get
AndreaNineToes: but the rest wer efunny
AndreaNineToes: andrea dell read my away messages while i was gone and i came in theroom and she was like your dad sent some funny jokes
AndreaNineToes: um the end?
keparrott728: um the end
keparrott728: any more requests?
AndreaNineToes: for what
AndreaNineToes: money?
AndreaNineToes: christmas?
AndreaNineToes: jokes?
keparrott728: ja
AndreaNineToes: soap?
keparrott728: we're mailing you a box tomorrow
keparrott728: there may be some room
AndreaNineToes: ooo
AndreaNineToes: umm
keparrott728: not big enough for the buffalo head
AndreaNineToes: haha
AndreaNineToes: your head lamp
AndreaNineToes: umm
AndreaNineToes: barney
keparrott728: no I use it to keep an eye on Barney
AndreaNineToes: i want barney too
keparrott728: he pooped on me and then tracked the poop around
AndreaNineToes: hahahahahahahah
AndreaNineToes: umm puppy chow?
AndreaNineToes: tape americas funniest home videos for me
keparrott728: your pix were good but you should have set it on a higher resolution
AndreaNineToes: i dot have a choice
keparrott728: yes you do
AndreaNineToes: okay?
keparrott728: there are 3 rez choices
AndreaNineToes: huh
keparrott728: small medium and large
AndreaNineToes: i didnt know that
keparrott728: live and learn
keparrott728: Cops have nothing to go on
AndreaNineToes: and then get luvs
AndreaNineToes: hey i have something funny to tell mom
AndreaNineToes: so when i left for school i took the little bottle of dove liquid soap for hte shower
AndreaNineToes: like you use with the little poof
AndreaNineToes: and i used it in the shower this morning, and after i finish i'm like why dont i feel clean at all? and i looked in teh bottle and it was lotion not soap
AndreaNineToes: CONSARN IT
keparrott728: boo ha ha
AndreaNineToes: stupid shower
AndreaNineToes: lkjsdfliasdjfio
AndreaNineToes: umm what else do i need
AndreaNineToes: is mom putting in puppy chow?
keparrott728: ja
keparrott728: except ive been eating it
AndreaNineToes: if youc ould find my bugs lifd dvd that'd be awesome
AndreaNineToes: your'e dirty
keparrott728: bigs live
AndreaNineToes: lkszjvkg
AndreaNineToes: wahtever
AndreaNineToes: how 'bout a 4.0 gpa
AndreaNineToes: put that in there too
keparrott728: I have a 1.0 gpf
keparrott728: that's gallons per flush
AndreaNineToes: hahahha
AndreaNineToes: dirrrrrrty
AndreaNineToes: ajs;ldfjaslfdj
AndreaNineToes: where'd you go
AndreaNineToes: dm
keparrott728: im here
keparrott728: i just type slow
AndreaNineToes: i see
AndreaNineToes: dirty
AndreaNineToes: mario teaches typing
keparrott728: sometimes i get confused looking at all the keys
AndreaNineToes: haha
keparrott728 wants to directly connect.
keparrott728 cancels request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.).
AndreaNineToes: i pushed 'connect' but it didint
keparrott728: i forgot - no direct connect with the firewall
AndreaNineToes: try again
keparrott728 wants to directly connect.
AndreaNineToes's software could not interpret your request. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.).
AndreaNineToes: were're connected to talk?
AndreaNineToes: thats crazy
AndreaNineToes: fine
AndreaNineToes: waht do you want to send me?
keparrott728 wants to directly connect.
AndreaNineToes's software could not interpret your request. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.).
AndreaNineToes: send it to
AndreaNineToes: for some reason aparrott@butler isnt working
AndreaNineToes: BOO
keparrott728: its done
AndreaNineToes: okay
AndreaNineToes: i'll send you a song too
AndreaNineToes: one of the frat houses plays it out the window alllllllll the timeeeeeeeee
AndreaNineToes: like so you can hear it on the whole campus.
AndreaNineToes: i think you sent me the snoopy one before
AndreaNineToes: but the other ones were funny
keparrott728: o well
keparrott728: there's one you haven't heard
keparrott728: it may take a couple of minutes to get through
AndreaNineToes: okay
AndreaNineToes: did you get my song yet?
keparrott728: its receiving - slowly
AndreaNineToes: i see
AndreaNineToes: its a whole song
keparrott728: awesome
AndreaNineToes: ding
keparrott728: mom says turn off that rock n roll
AndreaNineToes: haha
keparrott728: did my volcano song get through?
keparrott728: hey i need the george bush animation for the media player
keparrott728: where do i go to get it
keparrott728: send it to me
keparrott728: with the kneeling robot too
AndreaNineToes: um lemme see
AndreaNineToes: ml
AndreaNineToes: if you can just get the program from there, i can send you the tiny dancing files
keparrott728: ok - I try
AndreaNineToes: okay